Department of Records Logo

Tara Swanson

Joined on Jun 15, 2020
272 Works created

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User Tara Swanson has attached moving-lifeguards-from-parks-to-fdny-october-2024.pdf to Examining the Cost of Moving the Lifeguard Unit from the Parks Department to the FDNY October 17th, 2024 18:02
User Tara Swanson has deposited Examining the Cost of Moving the Lifeguard Unit from the Parks Department to the FDNY October 17th, 2024 18:02
User Tara Swanson has attached new-york-citys-water-and-sewer-system-examining-rate-setting-and-billing-structures-october-2024.pdf to New York City’s Water And Sewer System Examining Rate Setting And Billing Structures October 10th, 2024 18:41
User Tara Swanson has deposited New York City’s Water And Sewer System Examining Rate Setting And Billing Structures October 10th, 2024 18:41
User Tara Swanson has attached intro-0532-testimony-september-2024.pdf to Testimony on Intro 0532-2024 to Expand the School Security Guard Program for Nonpublic Schools September 24th, 2024 16:25
User Tara Swanson has deposited Testimony on Intro 0532-2024 to Expand the School Security Guard Program for Nonpublic Schools September 24th, 2024 16:25
User Tara Swanson has attached IBO_FY_2024_Diversity_Equity_Inclusion_and_EEO_Plan.IBO_2nd_REVISION_09132024.DCAS_APPROVED_FINAL_09172024.pdf to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Equal Employment Opportunity (DEI-EEO) Plan September 17th, 2024 18:23
User Tara Swanson has deposited Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Equal Employment Opportunity (DEI-EEO) Plan September 17th, 2024 18:23
User Tara Swanson has attached testimony-city-council-cannabis-enforcement-september.pdf to Testimony on IBO’s Research and Fiscal Projections for NYC's Legal Cannabis Market September 17th, 2024 14:57
User Tara Swanson has deposited Testimony on IBO’s Research and Fiscal Projections for NYC's Legal Cannabis Market September 17th, 2024 14:57
User Tara Swanson has attached a-shrinking-system-with-similar-spending-a-decade-of-jail-trends-2014-2023-september-2024.pdf to A Shrinking System with Similar Spending: A Decade of Jail Trends (2014–2023) September 12th, 2024 15:21
User Tara Swanson has deposited A Shrinking System with Similar Spending: A Decade of Jail Trends (2014–2023) September 12th, 2024 15:21
User Tara Swanson has attached pr-doc-capital-plan-august-2024.pdf to At Least $376M Remains in DOC’s Capital Budget for Rikers Island Projects August 20th, 2024 16:31
User Tara Swanson has deposited At Least $376M Remains in DOC’s Capital Budget for Rikers Island Projects August 20th, 2024 16:31
User Tara Swanson has attached doc-capital-ptojects-on-rikers-island-dataset.xlsx to Capital Projects on Rikers Island August 20th, 2024 16:28
User Tara Swanson has attached capital-projects-on-rikers-island-august-2024.pdf to Capital Projects on Rikers Island August 20th, 2024 16:28
User Tara Swanson has deposited Capital Projects on Rikers Island August 20th, 2024 16:28
User Tara Swanson has attached odd-year-elections-pr.pdf to City Could Save $42 Million Annually by Shifting to On-Cycle Local Elections August 15th, 2024 14:56
User Tara Swanson has deposited City Could Save $42 Million Annually by Shifting to On-Cycle Local Elections August 15th, 2024 14:55
User Tara Swanson has attached fiscal-impact-of-even-year-elections-august-2024.pdf to Fiscal Impact of Shifting Local Elections To Even-Numbered Years August 15th, 2024 14:54
User Tara Swanson has deposited Fiscal Impact of Shifting Local Elections To Even-Numbered Years August 15th, 2024 14:54
User Tara Swanson has attached highlights-of-recent-state-policy-and-budget-impacts-for-new-york-city-july2024.pdf to Highlights of Recent State Policy & Budget Impacts For New York City July 25th, 2024 18:06
User Tara Swanson has deposited Highlights of Recent State Policy & Budget Impacts For New York City July 25th, 2024 18:06
User Tara Swanson has attached press-release-foundation-aid-testimony.pdf to IIBO Testimony on State Foundation Aid to the Rockefeller Institute July 18th, 2024 13:13
User Tara Swanson has deposited IIBO Testimony on State Foundation Aid to the Rockefeller Institute July 18th, 2024 13:13
User Tara Swanson has attached rockefeller-institute-foundation-aid-testimony-71624.pdf to Testimony to the Rockefeller Institute of Government on the State Foundation Aid Formula July 18th, 2024 13:09
User Tara Swanson has deposited Testimony to the Rockefeller Institute of Government on the State Foundation Aid Formula July 18th, 2024 13:09
User Tara Swanson has attached shsat-pr-june-2024.pdf to IBO Review of the SHSAT Admissions Process June 18th, 2024 16:20
User Tara Swanson has deposited IBO Review of the SHSAT Admissions Process June 18th, 2024 16:20
User Tara Swanson has attached print-the-specialized-high-school-admissions-pipeline-june-2024.pdf to The Specialized High School Admissions Pipeline June 18th, 2024 16:18
User Tara Swanson has deposited The Specialized High School Admissions Pipeline June 18th, 2024 16:18
User Tara Swanson has attached press-release-june-2024-charter-revison-testimony.pdf to IBO Suggests Reforms for the Charter Revision Commission that Promote Financial Responsibility and Transparency June 17th, 2024 12:48
User Tara Swanson has deposited IBO Suggests Reforms for the Charter Revision Commission that Promote Financial Responsibility and Transparency June 17th, 2024 12:47
User Tara Swanson has attached charter-revsion-testimony-june-2024.pdf to Testimony of IBO Director Louisa Chafee to the New York City Charter Revision Commission June 17th, 2024 12:44
User Tara Swanson has deposited Testimony of IBO Director Louisa Chafee to the New York City Charter Revision Commission June 17th, 2024 12:44
User Tara Swanson has attached press-release-congestion-pricing-gov-announcemnet-june-2024.pdf to Cancelling Congestion Pricing Removes Largest Source of Funding For Transit Capital Plan June 10th, 2024 18:06
User Tara Swanson has deposited Cancelling Congestion Pricing Removes Largest Source of Funding For Transit Capital Plan June 10th, 2024 18:06
User Tara Swanson has attached press-release-economic-forecast-may2024.pdf to City Employment Back to Pre-Pandemic Levels, IBO Projects 91,000 New Jobs in 2024 May 23rd, 2024 15:12
User Tara Swanson has deposited City Employment Back to Pre-Pandemic Levels, IBO Projects 91,000 New Jobs in 2024 May 23rd, 2024 15:12
User Tara Swanson has attached executive-budget-testimony-may-2024.pdf to Testimony to the New York City Council on The Mayor's May 2024 Executive Budget May 22nd, 2024 18:06
User Tara Swanson has deposited Testimony to the New York City Council on The Mayor's May 2024 Executive Budget May 22nd, 2024 18:06
User Tara Swanson has attached details-on-ibos-may-2024-economic-and-tax-revenue-forecast.pdf to Details on IBO’s May 2024 Economic and Tax Revenue Forecasts May 22nd, 2024 18:02
User Tara Swanson has deposited Details on IBO’s May 2024 Economic and Tax Revenue Forecasts May 22nd, 2024 18:01
User Tara Swanson has attached pr-asylum-seekers-exec-budget-may-2024.pdf to IBO Estimates Some of the Negative Consequences Due to the Administration’s Shelter Exit Policies May 15th, 2024 15:02
User Tara Swanson has deposited IBO Estimates Some of the Negative Consequences Due to the Administration’s Shelter Exit Policies May 15th, 2024 15:01
User Tara Swanson has attached may-2024-asylum-seeker-print.pdf to NYC Independent Budget Office Asylum Seeker Cost Projections For Fiscal Years 2025 & 2026 May 15th, 2024 14:59
User Tara Swanson has deposited NYC Independent Budget Office Asylum Seeker Cost Projections For Fiscal Years 2025 & 2026 May 15th, 2024 14:59
User Tara Swanson has attached pr-may-exec-budget-report-2024.pdf to IBO Estimates $1.1 Billion In Additional Surplus Funds For Both FY 2024 & 2025, Exceeding the Administration’s Projections May 15th, 2024 14:55
User Tara Swanson has deposited IBO Estimates $1.1 Billion In Additional Surplus Funds For Both FY 2024 & 2025, Exceeding the Administration’s Projections May 15th, 2024 14:55
User Tara Swanson has attached print-2024-executive-budget-key-findings.pdf to Analysis of the 2025 Executive Budget and Financial Plan by the Independent Budget Office May 15th, 2024 14:52
User Tara Swanson has deposited Analysis of the 2025 Executive Budget and Financial Plan by the Independent Budget Office May 15th, 2024 14:52
User Tara Swanson has attached pr-cost-of-setting-up-new-city-offices-may-2024.pdf to IBO Fulfills Request from CM Menin May 7th, 2024 18:25
User Tara Swanson has deposited IBO Fulfills Request from CM Menin May 7th, 2024 18:25
User Tara Swanson has attached recounting-the-creation-of-new-york-city-offices-may-2024.pdf to Recounting the Creation of New York City Offices May 7th, 2024 18:21
User Tara Swanson has deposited Recounting the Creation of New York City Offices May 7th, 2024 18:21
User Tara Swanson has attached rental-arrears-payment-pr-may2024.pdf to Press Release: How Much Has the City Spent on One-Time Homelessness Prevention Payments for Rental Arrears May 6th, 2024 15:08
User Tara Swanson has deposited Press Release: How Much Has the City Spent on One-Time Homelessness Prevention Payments for Rental Arrears May 6th, 2024 15:08
User Tara Swanson has attached rental-arrears-payments-2024.pdf to How Much Has the City Spent on One-Time Homelessness Prevention Payments for Rental Arrears? May 6th, 2024 15:04
User Tara Swanson has attached ra-glossary-may-2024.pdf to How Much Has the City Spent on One-Time Homelessness Prevention Payments for Rental Arrears? May 6th, 2024 15:03
User Tara Swanson has deposited How Much Has the City Spent on One-Time Homelessness Prevention Payments for Rental Arrears? May 6th, 2024 15:03
User Tara Swanson has attached cmbrannan-si-letter-pr-may2024.pdf to IBO Reviews Potential Impacts of Staten Island Seceding from New York City May 2nd, 2024 15:39
User Tara Swanson has deposited IBO Reviews Potential Impacts of Staten Island Seceding from New York City May 2nd, 2024 15:39
User Tara Swanson has attached cmbrannan-si-secession-may2024.pdf to A Review of Potential Impacts of Staten Island Seceding from New York City May 2nd, 2024 15:36
User Tara Swanson has deposited A Review of Potential Impacts of Staten Island Seceding from New York City May 2nd, 2024 15:36
User Tara Swanson has attached lre-april-2024-press-release.pdf to IBO Releases Study on Efforts to Educate Students in the Least Restrictive Environment April 11th, 2024 18:20
User Tara Swanson has deposited IBO Releases Study on Efforts to Educate Students in the Least Restrictive Environment April 11th, 2024 18:19
User Tara Swanson has attached inflexible-settings-findings-from-ibos-study-on-special-education-recommendations-and-school-team-discuussions-april-2024.pdf to Inflexible Settings: Findings from IBO’s Study on Special Education Recommendations and School Team Discussions April 11th, 2024 18:17
User Tara Swanson has deposited Inflexible Settings: Findings from IBO’s Study on Special Education Recommendations and School Team Discussions April 11th, 2024 18:17
User Tara Swanson has attached 3k-pre-k-press-release-march-2024.pdf to A Snapshot of Pre-K and 3-K Students in NYC March 28th, 2024 15:25
User Tara Swanson has deposited A Snapshot of Pre-K and 3-K Students in NYC March 28th, 2024 15:25
User Tara Swanson has attached print-freeze-tag-march-2024.pdf to Freeze Tag: A Snapshot of Pre-K and 3-K Students in NYC March 28th, 2024 15:23
User Tara Swanson has deposited Freeze Tag: A Snapshot of Pre-K and 3-K Students in NYC March 28th, 2024 15:23
User Tara Swanson has attached 421a-exemption-abatemnet-press-release-march-2024.pdf to IBO Report: Structure of Proposed New 421-a Program Has Implications for All Property Tax Bills March 26th, 2024 14:45
User Tara Swanson has deposited IBO Report: Structure of Proposed New 421-a Program Has Implications for All Property Tax Bills March 26th, 2024 14:45
User Tara Swanson has attached exemption-or-abatement-structure-of-proposed-new-412-a-program-has-implications-for-all-property-tax-bills-march-2024.pdf to Exemption or Abatement? Structure of Proposed New 421-a Program Has Implications for All Property Tax Bills March 26th, 2024 14:41
User Tara Swanson has deposited Exemption or Abatement? Structure of Proposed New 421-a Program Has Implications for All Property Tax Bills March 26th, 2024 14:41
User Tara Swanson has attached los-press-release-march-2024.pdf to NYC Jails Experience 73% Drop in Unique Stays and a Shift in Population Demographics at City Jails, IBO Report Finds March 19th, 2024 15:23
User Tara Swanson has deposited NYC Jails Experience 73% Drop in Unique Stays and a Shift in Population Demographics at City Jails, IBO Report Finds March 19th, 2024 15:23
User Tara Swanson has attached pr-rezoned-neighborhoods-letter-march-2024.pdf to IBO’s Review of Neighborhood Rezonings, 2016-2021 March 18th, 2024 16:42
User Tara Swanson has deposited IBO’s Review of Neighborhood Rezonings, 2016-2021 March 18th, 2024 16:42
User Tara Swanson has attached capital-commitments-for-recent-rezonings-march-2024.pdf to Capital Commitments for Recent Rezonings March 18th, 2024 16:37
User Tara Swanson has deposited Capital Commitments for Recent Rezonings March 18th, 2024 16:37
User Tara Swanson has attached preliminary-budget-testimony-march-2024.pdf to Testimony On IBO’s Analysis of the 2025 Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan To The New York City Council Committee on Finance March 7th, 2024 15:34
User Tara Swanson has deposited Testimony On IBO’s Analysis of the 2025 Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan To The New York City Council Committee on Finance March 7th, 2024 15:30
User Tara Swanson has attached fiscal-impact-of-eliminating-street-vendor-permit-caps-in-new-york-city-january-2024_Spanish.pdf to Repercusiones fiscales de la eliminación de los límites para los permisos de venta ambulante en la Ciudad de Nueva York February 29th, 2024 13:53
User Tara Swanson has deposited Repercusiones fiscales de la eliminación de los límites para los permisos de venta ambulante en la Ciudad de Nueva York February 29th, 2024 13:53
User Tara Swanson has attached ibo-peg-press-release-february-2024.pdf to IBO PEG Analysis Outlines FY25 PEGS, Funding Restorations, and Headcount Reductions and their Impact on City Services February 27th, 2024 18:13
User Tara Swanson has deposited IBO PEG Analysis Outlines FY25 PEGS, Funding Restorations, and Headcount Reductions and their Impact on City Services February 27th, 2024 18:13
User Tara Swanson has attached cdf-awards-february-2024.xlsx to Giving Some Back, Leaving Others Out: IBO’s Analysis of the Administration’s Second Consecutive Program to Eliminate the Gap This Fiscal Year February 27th, 2024 18:10
User Tara Swanson has attached omb-budget-adjustments-february-2024.xlsx to Giving Some Back, Leaving Others Out: IBO’s Analysis of the Administration’s Second Consecutive Program to Eliminate the Gap This Fiscal Year February 27th, 2024 18:10
User Tara Swanson has attached giving-some-back-leaving-others-out-ibos-analysis-of-the-administrations-second-consecutive-program-to-eliminate-the-gap-this-fiscal-year-february-2024.pdf to Giving Some Back, Leaving Others Out: IBO’s Analysis of the Administration’s Second Consecutive Program to Eliminate the Gap This Fiscal Year February 27th, 2024 18:10
User Tara Swanson has deposited Giving Some Back, Leaving Others Out: IBO’s Analysis of the Administration’s Second Consecutive Program to Eliminate the Gap This Fiscal Year February 27th, 2024 18:10
User Tara Swanson has attached press-release-congestion-pricing-exemptions-february-2024.pdf to IBO Analysis: Exempting Yellow Taxis from Congestion Pricing, How Much Would it Cost? February 26th, 2024 19:55
User Tara Swanson has deposited IBO Analysis: Exempting Yellow Taxis from Congestion Pricing, How Much Would it Cost? February 26th, 2024 19:55
User Tara Swanson has attached fare-play-considerations-for-exempting-yellow-taxis-from-a-congestion-pricing-surcharge-february-2024.pdf to Fare Play: Considerations for Exempting Yellow Taxis From a Congestion Pricing Surcharge February 26th, 2024 19:52
User Tara Swanson has deposited Fare Play: Considerations for Exempting Yellow Taxis From a Congestion Pricing Surcharge February 26th, 2024 19:52
User Tara Swanson has attached ibo-econ-forecast-press-release-feb-2024.pdf to IBO Details Its Latest Economic and Revenue Forecast: Estimates 90,500 New Jobs in Calendar Year 2024 February 22nd, 2024 16:31
User Tara Swanson has deposited IBO Details Its Latest Economic and Revenue Forecast: Estimates 90,500 New Jobs in Calendar Year 2024 February 22nd, 2024 16:31
User Tara Swanson has attached details-on-the-january-2024-economic-and-tax-revenue-forecasts-february-2024.pdf to Details on the January 2024 Economic and Tax Revenue Forecasts February 22nd, 2024 16:28
User Tara Swanson has deposited Details on the January 2024 Economic and Tax Revenue Forecasts February 22nd, 2024 16:28
User Tara Swanson has attached for-sale-an-examination-of-residential-property-sales-priced-at-or-below-500k-and-related-transfer-taxes-in-new-york-city-february-2024.pdf to For Sale: An Examination of Residential Property Sales Priced at or Below $500,000 and Related Transfer Taxes in New York City February 21st, 2024 15:39