The ideal emergency procurement system exists alongside robust risk assessment and planning mechanisms, so that the City does not have to rely on emergency contracts if its needs can be met by other means.
While a monumental challenge, climate change also presents an opportunity for us to reimagine our communities and to create a more equitable, healthy, and resilient future. PlaNYC will deliver near-term benefits to New Yorkers as we move toward achieving ambitious long-term climate goals.
The Mayor’s Office Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Equal Employment Opportunity (DEI-EEO) Plan Fiscal Year 2023 establishes measures, programs, actions, initiatives, and trainings tailored to the agency’s mission, function, structure, operations, workforce, and organizational environment.
The NYC DOP FY 2023 Diversity Equity Inclusion and EEO Plan provides details of the agency's commitment to activities, policies, and procedures that advance diversity, equity, and inclusion.
A review and analysis of the demographic data of the MBPO's workforce and a description of the EEO, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity initiatives for 2023.
The DEI-EEO Plan, mandated by the New York City Charter, communicates the agency's intention to promote EEO and diversity and inclusion by continuing effective measures of implementing new strategies and programs that prevent, diminish, or eliminate barriers to equal opportunity employment.2023
: The Diversity & EEO Plan, mandated by the New York City Charter, communicates the agency’s intention to promote EEO and diversity and inclusion by continuing effective measures or implementing new strategies and programs that prevent, diminish, or eliminate barriers to equal opportunity employment
Reckless driving poses a serious threat to street safety in New York City. Traffic fatalities spiked in recent years, reaching a nine-year high in 2021 and remain elevated above pre-pandemic numbers.
The report on the FY 2024 Preliminary Budget includes the Comptroller’s office’s economic forecast and analysis of budgetary risks facing the City of New York, including updated analysis of the cost of collective bargaining agreements and the provision of services for asylum seekers.
City of New York, Civil Service Commission, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Equal Employment Opportunity (DEI-EEO) Plan. Fiscal Year 2023.
Commitment and accountability statement by the Agency Head.
The Citizen Participation Plan (CPP) is New York City’s framework to promote a community-wide dialogue to identify housing and community development priorities and guide the use of funding received from the Community Planning and Development (CPD).
Annual plan detailing the agency’s EEO-related accomplishments; review and analysis of workforce composition; and EEO, diversity, inclusion, and equity initiatives for fiscal year 2023.
Annual fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by, or who seek employment with, the agency
On behalf of the Queens County District Attorney’s Office, we wholeheartedly support and enforce the rights and protections afforded by the New York City EEO Policy, the City and State Human Rights Law.
The Blueprint for Child Care & Early Childhood Education in New York City outlines essential steps to provide high-quality, equitable, and accessible child care for thousands of New York City families.
The 2023 Proposed Consolidated Plan One-Year Action Plan (the “Proposed Action
Plan”) is the City of New York’s annual application to the United States Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the four Office of Community Planning and Development entitlement programs.
The 2022 CAPER reports on New York City’s one-year progress (January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022) in using its annual entitlement grants award to address the priority needs and goals articulated in the City’s Consolidated Five-Year Strategic Plan for plan years 2021-2025.