1st Quarterly report for FY 2021 describing the proactive strategies to enhance diversity, EEO and Inclusion, and the steps the agency has taken to meet such workforce goals.
A report on the number of complaints, inspections, notices of violations and civil penalties assessed relating to illegal conversions of dwelling units from permanent residences.
Report on efforts to implement the plan, including details of agency's efforts to ensure equal employment practices. Includes, but not limited to statistical information regarding total employment & efforts to provide fair and effective equal opportunity employment. Note: Includes both DHS & HRA.
June 21, 2021
WHEREAS community organizations, including faith organizations, serve as important sources of guidance and information for people throughout New York City; and WHEREAS those organizations can be significant partners for
Executive Budget for the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) for a proposed budget for Fiscal 2021 of $89.3 billion. Topics covered include changes to the Expense and Capital Budget, as well as the programmatic impacts of COVID-19.
A report on the agency’s efforts during the previous quarter to implement the plan adopted pursuant to paragraph nineteen (annual plan) of Section 815(a) [...]
A report on the agency’s efforts during the previous quarter to implement the plan adopted pursuant to paragraph nineteen (annual plan) of Section 815(a),including details of agency’s efforts to implement equal employment practices, including statistical information regarding total employment,[...]
A report on the agency’s efforts during the previous quarter to implement the plan adopted pursuant to paragraph nineteen (annual plan) of Section 815(a),including details of agency’s efforts to implement equal employment practices, including statistical information regarding total employment [...]
Jocelyn E. Strauber, The Commissioner of the New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”), released a Report today on the misuse of annual and sick leave by the Board of Elections (“BOE”) in the City of New York involving its former General Counsel Steven H. Richman.
These reports contain information on the number of accidents at construction sites, which are incidents where there has been an injury or fatality, occurring on a construction site (with or without work permit) or caused by construction activity on an adjoining site.
These reports contain information on the number of accidents at construction sites, which are incidents where there has been an injury or fatality, occurring on a construction site (with or without work permit) or caused by construction activity on an adjoining site
These reports contain information on the number of accidents at construction sites, which are incidents where there has been an injury or fatality, occurring on a construction site (with or without work permit) or caused by construction activity on an adjoining site.
The DOE is required to provide the total number of EMS transports and the number of EMS transports performed because of a student’s emotional/psychological condition. The March reporting requires EMS data disaggregated by district and by month for the first half of the school year.
Agencies are required to establish measures and programs to ensure a fair and effective affirmative employment plan. In accordance with Section 815(a)(20)(i), the head of each city agency shall quarterly publish a report on the agency's efforts during the previous quarter to implement the plan.
The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene published this press release titled, "20 Years on, NYC Health Department Tracks Health Impacts of September 11th Attacks", on September 10, 2021.
Reports on permanent housing and the transitional housing and services projected to be needed to house homeless families and individuals expected to be housed within the system during the next fiscal year.
The Annual Plan Summary is a synopsis of the Annual Implementation Plan and presents DFTA's strategic goals, programming, budget and service levels. This plan represents the second year of a four-year plan covering the period of April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2024.
This document reflects the accomplishments of NYC’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program for Calendar Year 2020. CDBG is a funding stream from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
In compliance with the Identifying Information Law, all City agencies are mandated to submit the attached Agency Report to the Chief Privacy Officer, the Mayor, the City Council Speaker and the Citywide Privacy Protection Committee.
This report provides information regarding Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainers that the New York City Department of Correction (DOC or Department) is required to report pursuant to New York City Administrative Code §9-131.
Annual report regarding youth in contact with DYCD and ACS who are referred as, self-report as, or who the agencies later determine to be sexually-exploited children, disaggregated by age, gender, and whether the children had contact with DYCD, ACS, or both agencies.
Update on implementation of process for directly referring youth from DYCD-funded residential programs to the adult shelter system, with data on referrals.
The 2020 Year in Review: Partnering For Good is the annual report for the Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City. This report showcases some, but not all, partnerships and provides financial information about dollars and in-kind support that Mayor's Fund received in support of public programs.
This report is submitted as required by Section 168.f of the New York City Charter. The New York City Tax Appeals Tribunal has jurisdiction over petitions filed by taxpayers protesting statutory notices issued by the Department of Finance for all non-property income.
The Public Design Commission’s 2021 annual report provides data on the PDC’s review of submissions as required by Local Law 17 of 2017. The report gives an overview of our collaborative interagency initiatives to streamline design review and improve the City’s public spaces for all New Yorkers.
NYC Adm. Code Section 12-127 requires a report concerning workers' compensation claims by City employees be compiled and transmitted annually to the Mayor, the Comptroller, the Public Advocate and the Speaker of the Council. NYC Law Department compiled and indexed the workers' compensation claims.
This report discusses the testing, analyses and assessments of DSNY’s alternative fuel sanitation collection vehicles and street sweepers, and the feasibility of incorporating new alternative fuel sanitation vehicles and technology into DSNY’s fleet.
This is the annual report to be provided in compliance of Local Law 38 of 2019, covering the time period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. This report provides an overview of select Mayor's Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence program activities and initiatives.
Daniel G. Cort, Acting Commissioner of the New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”), announced
today the agency’s statistics for Calendar Year-end (“CY”) 2021, which covers January 1, 2021 through December 31,
Daniel G. Cort, Acting Commissioner of the New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”), announced today the agency’s statistics for Calendar Year-end (“CY”) 2021, which covers January 1, 2021 through December 31,
The 2021 CAPER reports on New York City’s one-year progress (January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021) in using its annual entitlement grants award to address the priority needs and goals articulated in the City’s Consolidated Five-Year Strategic Plan for plan years 2021-2025.
The report examines changes in the overall supply of housing in NYC during the prior year, looking at factors that include the number of permits issued and the number of completed housing units.
With a focus on improving and expanding services, collaborating with City agencies to make New York City future-ready, and piloting innovative and emerging technologies, the Office delivers broad impact. The annual reports provide a glimpse of what the Office has accomplished in 2021.
Study analyzes the cost of operating and maintaining rental housing, examing the conditions that existed in the NYC rent stabilized housing market in 2019, and also the extent by which these conditions changed from 2018.
The study reports on housing affordability and tenant income in the City's rental market. The study highlights year-to-year changes in many of the major economic factors affecting the City's tenant population.
The report surveys lending institutions that underwrite mortgages for multifamily rent stabilized properties in New York City. It also examines rent stabilized building sales.
2021 NYC Law Department Annual Report describes some major issues and matters handled by the various Law Department Divisions in 2021. The Law Department handles over 80,000 active or ongoing legal matters each year representing New York City.
Sixth annual report of the Office of the Taxpayer Advocate (OTA), an office established in 2015 within the Department of Finance (DOF) to assist customers and recommend improvements to the agency’s policies and procedures.
In compliance with Local Law 9 of 2015, the following is the annual report of the legislated Social Adult Day Care (SADC) Ombuds Office for Calendar Year 2021.
Report on status of data publication plan for the Dept of Records and Information Services, including any public dataset(s) that the agency is able or unable to make available, reasons why datasets are not made available to the public, and target dates of when data will be available to the public.
The study measures the price change in a market basket of goods and services used in the operation and maintenance of rent stabilized apartment buildings in NYC.
Update on implementation of process for directly referring youth from DYCD-funded residential programs to the adult shelter system, with data on referrals.