CHS produces a quarterly health services access report, as required by the NYC Board of Correction, to monitor compliance with Minimum Standards on Health Care and Mental Health Care and identify strengths of the system, as well as major barriers to care.
CHS produces a quarterly health services access report, as required by the NYC Board of Correction, to monitor compliance with Minimum Standards on Health Care and Mental Health Care and identify strengths of the system, as well as major barriers to care.
Local Law 4/2012 requires HPD to maintain on its website a monthly report of a list of properties with 20 or more units for which a notice of foreclosure has been submitted to HPD They are identified by block and lot number with identity of mortgagee plaintiffs and includes all pending foreclosures.
Early Payment Discount Rate and Late Payment Interest Rates Recommendations. The City of New York is required to charge interest on the amount of tax that is late.
Each May, the NYC Banking Commission recommends a discount rate and penalty rates for the upcoming fiscal year beginning on July 1.
A report on the Equal Employment practices Commission's collection, retention, and disclosure of identifying information by agency and any contractors or subcontractors utilized by the agency.
This report addresses NYCEM's policies regarding identifying information that is collected, retained and disclosed by the agency in accordance with Local Law 245 of 2017.
The 2019 annual report of the Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence (ENDGBV) provides an overview of the office’s programs, initiatives and policy and training activities. Key programs include the NYC Family Justice Center, the Policy and Training Institute and Outreach unit.
The annual NYC Volunteers Count report is the City’s largest scan of residents volunteering at organizations across New York City. Organizations, including City agencies, Mayoral offices, and nonprofits, are surveyed to understand how residents volunteer within the city’s infrastructure.
Annual report regarding youth in contact with DYCD and ACS who are referred as, self-report as, or who the agencies later determine to be sexually-exploited children, disaggregated by age, gender, and whether the children had contact with DYCD, ACS, or both agencies.
Report provides the number of runaway and homeless youth (RHY) who contacted or presented themselves to a runaway and homeless youth services program to request shelter and were not able to access shelter services during the six month period ending on December 31, 2019.
Update on implementation of process for directly referring youth from DYCD-funded residential programs to the adult shelter system, with data on referrals.
Report of the Interagency Coordinating Council on Youth to the city council and the mayor summarizing its activity during the previous fiscal year and detailing recommendations for improving service delivery and coordination.
The 2019 Year in Review: Partnering For Good is the annual report for the Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City. This report showcases some, but not all, partnerships and provides financial information about dollars and in-kind support that Mayor's Fund received in support of public programs.
As this report was nearing completion in March 2020, the city’s democratic systems and processes — along with practically every aspect of daily life in New York City — were disrupted by the massive effort to slow the spread of a novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
A progress report on City agencies' anti-corruption programs, which include the vulnerabilities agencies have self-identified as problems and the strategies they are using to remedy them.
This report records compliance with, and exemptions from, New York city charter section 224.1: Green Building Standards for fiscal year 2020 as reported by applicable capital building agencies.
The Public Design Commission’s 2020 annual report provides data on the PDC’s review of submissions as required by Local Law 17 of 2017. The report gives an overview of our collaborative interagency initiatives to streamline design review and improve the City’s public spaces for all New Yorkers.
The Concession Rules require the City Chief Procurement Officer to produce an Annual Concession Report ("CCPO Annual Report") summarizing the currently effective concessions. The summary includes: the registration status of each concession; a brief description of each concession awarded; the method
No later than October 30, 2020, the Citywide Privacy Protection Committee shall communicate recommendations with the city agency reports required pursuant to section 23-1205 to the applicable city agencies, the mayor, the speaker of the council, and the CPO.
This document reflects the accomplishments of NYC’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program for Calendar Year 2020. CDBG is a funding stream from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Identifying Information Law Agency Biennial Report 2020; pursuant to local law each agency is to report on the collection, retention, and disclosure of agency data and records containing personal identifying information.
This report provides information regarding Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainers that the New York City Department of Correction (DOC or Department) is required to report pursuant to New York City Administrative Code §9-131.
With a focus on improving and expanding services, collaborating with City agencies to make New York City future-ready, and piloting innovative and emerging technologies, the Office delivers broad impact. The annual reports provide a glimpse of what the Office has accomplished.
This report addresses NYCEM's policies regarding identifying information that is collected, retained and disclosed by the agency in accordance with Local Law 245 of 2017.
Annual report regarding youth in contact with DYCD and ACS who are referred as, self-report as, or who the agencies later determine to be sexually-exploited children, disaggregated by age, gender, and whether the children had contact with DYCD, ACS, or both agencies.
Update on implementation of process for directly referring youth from DYCD-funded residential programs to the adult shelter system, with data on referrals.
Report describing the current population of runaway and homeless youth, its service needs, a description of members of the population who exited temporary shelters, average length of stay, and a description of public resources available, for the fiscal year that just completed on June 30.
This report provides data on Commercial Rent Tax (CRT) liability at the taxpayer and premises level. The data sources for this report are taxpayers’ CRT Tax Year 2020 (June 1, 2019 – May 31, 2020) returns and CRT collections data from Department of Finance records.
TLC puts out a report detailing the most current data and numbers regarding the for-hire industry. This information is primarily used by academics, students, and other transportation networks.
A report on the effects of vehicle utilization standards and the regulation of the number of licenses issued to for-hire vehicles authorized by 550(b) of Title 19 of the New York City Administrative Code.
The 2020 Year in Review: Partnering For Good is the annual report for the Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City. This report showcases some, but not all, partnerships and provides financial information about dollars and in-kind support that Mayor's Fund received in support of public programs.
This is the first report in a series of 10 reports pursuant to LL 13/2019 that will be prepared on an annual basis, to identify areas of underutilization of minorities by job group in New York City government and at the seven (7) City University of New York (CUNY) Community Colleges.
An overview of NYC gender-based violence (GBV) service providers and staff, the impact of COVID-19 on their wellness, and the NYC Mayor's Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence (ENDGBV) response to support providers and staff during the pandemic.
Pursuant to the Identifying Information Law requirements for city agencies, this is the biennial compliance report. This report contains information concerning the agency's collection, retention, and disclosure of personal identifying information, in accordance with local law.
Pursuant to local law 87 the Department of Correction shall report on grievances reported by inmates related to the total amount of grievances processed, dis-aggregated grievable categories, grievances by facility and the stages in which the grievances, paper based.
Since 1983, the Public Design Commission has recognized outstanding public projects with its Annual Awards for Excellence in Design. The winning projects are selected from the hundreds of submissions reviewed by the Commission the previous year.
PSEG Report – Pursuant to Local Law 90 of 2015, the Department is required to submit to its website quarterly segregated housing statistics. This includes a variety of statistics related to PSEG, ESH, CAPS, and RHU.