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2019 Report Pursuant to Local Law 41 of 2016

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Annual report regarding youth in contact with DYCD and ACS who are referred as, self-report as, or who the agencies later determine to be sexually-exploited children, disaggregated by age, gender, and whether the children had contact with DYCD, ACS, or both agencies.

Sub title
  • Report on Commercially Sexually Exploited Children
Additional creators
  • Administration for Children's Services
Report type
  • Reports - Annual
Date published
  • 2020-04-28
Fiscal year
  • 2019
  • 2020
Calendar year
  • 2019
  • staten_island
  • bronx
  • manhattan
  • queens
  • brooklyn
Required Report Name
  • Sexually Exploited Youth Report/Local Law 41 of 2016 Report
