In compliance with Local Law 44 of 2013 passed by the New York City Council, ACS posts quarterly and annual Incident Reports for Detention, Non-Secure Placement and Limited Secure Placement.
Charts and graphs depicting NYC Department Of Correction FYs 2008-18 Operating Expenditures, Jail Population, Cost Per Detainee, Staffing Ratios, Performance Measure Outcomes, and Overtime
Advancing the vision of a smaller, safer and fairer jail system remains one of the City’s most pressing challenges and will necessitate collective action on the part of all criminal legal system stakeholders.
Pursuant to Local Law 122 the programming described herein involves hard skills trainings with certification components, as well as evidence-based programs for participants to engage with social service providers in the development of support networks, emotional wellbeing, parenting skills etc.
Pursuant Local Law 168 This report provides information related to adolescents and young adults located in a Department of Education facility that offers educational programming to incarcerated individuals. This is a required
report pursuant to New York City Administrative Code §9-151.
The Independent Budget Office of New York City (IBO) has completed an analysis of staffing and spending trends at the Department of Correction (DOC) from 2014 through 2023.
A Report detailing the findings of a year-long probe of the City Department of Correction’s (“DOC”) hiring practices for Correction Officers (“COs”), exposing persistent problems at the agency’s Applicant Investigation Unit (“AIU”).
A Report on security lapses at the entrances of two City Department of Correction (“DOC”) detention facilities – one in Manhattan and the second in Brooklyn – exposing serious vulnerabilities in DOC’s security operations.