A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
Per Administrative Code of the City of New York section 7-114, the City's Law Department must post information on civil actions alleging misconduct commenced against the police department and individual officers on its website.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
The NYC Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee (FRC) was established through Local Law 61, in June 2005. Annually, the FRC reviews and analyzes domestic-related homicide data to gain an understanding of the circumstances surrounding the occurrence of these crimes.
This report analyzes New York City Police Department (NYPD) domestic violence and shooting incidents across New York City (NYC) from 2017 to 2022. This report examines patterns of domestic violence reported to the NYPD and shooting incidents, individually and in relation to each other, across NYC’s
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
OIG-NYPD issued a Statement of Findings regarding policies and procedures for retention of audio, photographs and video captured by the Technical Assistance and Response Unit (“TARU”) in the NYPD.
Descriptive analysis of ageism questions from Health Opinion Poll across sociodemographic categories, and background on how ageism contributes to negative health and social outcomes.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
IBO calculated how much the city is owed in unpaid balances. IBO examined three primary sources of unpaid balances: parking and camera-generated violations, lienable property charges, and penalties adjudicated by the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings that were incurred in CYs 2017-2022.
Oral health surveillance in NYC and school-based dental program data, trends 2014-2021 and disparities in oral health-related outcomes among school-aged children.
Audit, analysis and evaluation by Equal Employment Practices Commission of Campaign Finance Board. The compliance determination certificate was issued because of CFB'S efforts to ensure fair and effective equal employment practices.
Update to the Borough Pedestrian Safety Action Plans. The report updates the Priority Locations identified in the 2019 Vision Zero Borough Pedestrian Action Plans with current data, Vision Zero innovations, progress on Vision Zero initiatives, and introduces new actions.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
Per Administrative Code of the City of New York section 7-113, the City's Law Department must post information on civil actions alleging misconduct commenced against the Department of Corrections and individual officers on its website.
Per Administrative Code of the City of New York section 7-114, the City's Law Department must post information on civil actions alleging misconduct commenced against the police department and individual officers on its website.
Report covers data from NYC DOT's speed camera program from its inception in 2014 through December 2021, to the extent to which it is available, pursuant to Sec.1180-b of NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law.
Study investigates the feasibility of using alternative fuels and propulsion technologies in the ferries owned and operated by the City (specifically the Staten Island Ferry and the NYC Ferry) & recommends near- and long-term implementation options. Study is pursuant to Ad Code 19-307(k).
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
The NYC Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee (FRC) was established through Local Law 61, in June 2005. Annually, the Committee reviews and analyzes domest-related homicide data to gain an understanding of the circumstances surrounding the occurrence of these crimes and to ascertain the level.
IBO examines the demographic differences at each step of the gifted admissions process when the test was still in place—for students entering kindergarten in the 2018-2019 school year.
The NYC Well-Being Index is designed to help understand the well-being of communities. It is a composite measure with nine domains: Education, Economic Security, Housing, Health, Community Safety, Infrastructure and Core Services, and Community Vitality, COVID-19 and Equity.
This report provides data on the number of NYC Well calls answered, 311 calls transferred to NYC Well, and 911 calls related to mental health emergencies during the COVID-19 pandemic pursuant of Local Law 36 of 2021. The report covers the period from January 2019 to May 2022.
Pursuant to Local Law 152 of 2019, the NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS) compiled a report containing information related to storefront businesses citywide.
This Report presents the results of the June 30, 2020 (Lag) actuarial valuation of the benefits under both the New York City Board of Education Retirement System (BERS) Qualified Pension Plan and Group Life Insurance Plan (collectively, the Plan).
The Equal Employment Practices Commission (EEPC). This document serves as a follow-up evaluation and Final Determination for the New York Campaign Finance Board for the period July 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021.
This Report presents the results of the June 30, 2020 (Lag) actuarial valuation of the benefits under both the New York City Fire Pension Fund (FIRE) and Group Life Insurance Plan (collectively, the Plan).
This Report presents the results of the June 30, 2020 (Lag) actuarial valuation of the benefits under both the New York City Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) Qualified Pension Plan and Group Life Insurance Plan (collectively, the Plan).
This Report presents the results of the June 30, 2020 (Lag) actuarial valuation of the benefits
under both the New York City Police Pension Fund (POLICE) and Group Life Insurance Plan
(collectively, the Plan).
In a series of charts and graphs, IBO compares enrollment changes during the first full school year impacted by the pandemic (20-21) with the second school year that just ended (21-22). We explore the different trends among the city’s traditional public schools and its charter schools.
The FDNY coordinates ambulance response to the about one million medical emergencies reported over the 911 system in the city each year. About a quarter of those emergencies are ALS, incidents involving heart attacks and other very serious conditions. IBO analyzes response times of these units.
This audit found that EDC did not disclose over $224 million in expenditures as ferry-related in its audited financial statements and that EDC understated the City’s subsidy for the ferry operations by $2.08, $2.10, $3.98 and $4.29 for Fiscal Years 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, respectively.
Pursuant to Admin Code Sect. 14-169, this annual report contains information on U.S. currency retained by the department/returned to claimants, motor vehicles retained by the department, and revenue generated from vehicles and other property retained by the department
Annual report prepared on the number of instances requiring a referral or transportation of a child to a partner organization or child advocacy center due to their caregiver’s arrest.
Pursuant to Admin Code Sect. 14-166, this biannual report contains information on the # of nuisance abatement actions filed and settled, disaggregated by type of nuisance and 2) # of 311 and 911 nuisance complaints, disaggregated by nuisance type and precinct
This annual report captures the number of officers in patrol precincts, transit districts, and police service areas, as well as school safety agents regarding training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillation (AED).
Pursuant to Admin Code Sect. 14-156, this quarterly report contains the non-desk appearance ticket rate for offenses for which 500 or more arrests were made. This report also contains the number of DATs issued in total and disaggregated by precinct, borough, race, gender, and age.
Pursuant to Admin Code Sect. 14-157, this quarterly report contains information on the # of criminal and civil summonses issued, disaggregated by offense, race, gender, age, borough, precinct, police service area, and transit district, as well as NYPD reason codes for criminal summonses issued.
Pursuant to Admin Code Sect. 14-172, this quarterly report contains the total numbers of fare evasion arrests and fare evasion summonses, disaggregated by transit bureau district, transit station, and race/sex/age, as well as the numbers of DATs vs. live arrests for fare evasion arrests.
The auditors recommend that DOHMH ensure that all public school cafeteria inspection results are readily available on its website for the required number of years so that parents and guardians may be informed of the conditions found in the kitchens and cafeterias of the schools that their children..
As part of their tuition payments, full-time and part-time students pay $55 and $20, respectively, in student activity fees per semester for student government and other student activities.