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1041 Human Resources Administration (HRA) HIV/AIDS Services Administration Quarterly Performance Report The Commissioner shall submit written, quarterly reports to the mayor and the council that shall, at a minimum, provide the following information: 1. The number of persons with clinical/symptomatic HIV illness or with AIDS who requested benefits or services set forth in subdivision b of this section or any other benefits or services provided by the division. 2. The processing time for applications for benefits or services, disaggregated by field office, type of benefit and individual versus family case, specified as follows: (i) for non-emergency applications for food stamps, Medicaid and public assistance benefits, including separate determinations of eligibility for Medicaid or food stamps: (1) the number of days from completed application to the provision of the benefit or service; and (2) in cases of denial, the number of days from the completed application to denial of the application. (ii) for immediate needs grants and expedited food stamps: (1) the number of days from the request date to the date of issuance of a grant; and (2) in cases of denial, the number of days from the request date to the date of denial. (iii) for all other non-emergency benefits or services provided by or through any division center or office, including but not limited to exceptions to policy for enhanced rental assistance and additional allowances: (1) (a) the number of days from initial request to completed application; and (b) the number of days from completed application to the provision of the benefit or service; and (2) in cases of denial, the number of days from completed application to denial of the application. (iv) for all other benefits or services provided on an emergency basis, including but not limited to exceptions to policy for enhanced rental assistance and additional allowances: (1) the number of days from initial request to completed application; (2) the number of days from completed application to approval or denial of the application; and (3) the number of days from approval of an application to the provision of the benefit or service. (v) for applications for non-emergency housing: (1) the number of days from a request for housing to completed application; (2) the number of days from completed application to approval or denial of the application; (3) the number of days from approval of an application to the date on which the client takes occupancy of non-emergency housing; and (4) with respect to applications that are approved, the number of days from completed application to the date on which the client takes occupancy of non-emergency housing. 3. The number of division staff, by job title, whose duties include providing benefits and services or access to benefits and services pursuant to this section, disaggregated by field office and family versus overall cases; the number of cases at each field office, disaggregated by family versus overall cases; and the ratio of case managers and supervisors to clients at each field office, disaggregated by family versus overall cases. 4. The number of cases closed, disaggregated by the reasons for closure. 5. The number of closed cases that were re-opened, the length of time required to re-open such closed cases, starting from the date on which the case was closed, and the total number of cases closed in error and the length of time required to reopen such closed cases, starting from the date on which the case was closed, disaggregated by field office and reported in the following categories: 0 to 15 days; 16 to 30 days; 31 to 45 days; 46 to 60 days; 61 to 75 days; 76 to 90 days; and more than 91 days. 6. The number of administrative fair hearings requested, the number of fair hearing decisions in favor of applicants and recipients and the length of time for compliance with such fair hearing decisions, disaggregated by decisions where there was compliance within 30 days of the decision date and decisions where there was compliance after 30 days of the decision date; 7. The number of proceedings initiated pursuant to Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules challenging fair hearing decisions, and the number of Article 78 decisions rendered in favor of applicants or recipients; 8. The number of clients in emergency housing and the average length of stay, disaggregated on a monthly basis; 9. The number of facilities used to provide emergency shelter for clients and the number of units per facility, disaggregated by the type of facility; 10. The number of facilities used to provide emergency shelter placed on non-referral status for each month in the reporting period and the number of facilities placed on non-referral status that remedied the situation that led to non-referral status. 11. The number of facilities used to provide emergency shelter placed on discontinuance of use status and the number of facilities placed on discontinuance of use status that remedied the situation that led to discontinuance of use status. 12. The number of requests for emergency housing assistance, the number of persons referred to the department of homeless services; the number of persons referred to commercial single room occupancy hotels, the average length of stay in commercial single room occupancy hotels, the number of applications for non-emergency housing each month; and the number of persons placed in non-emergency housing each month. 13. The number of inspections of emergency housing conducted by the division. 14. Quarterly reports required by this subdivision shall be delivered no later than 60 days after the last day of the time period covered by the report. The first quarterly report required by this subdivision shall be delivered no later than August 31, 2005. (Required reports from Dec 2019 to Dec 2020) Every 3 Months LL 49/1997, LL 32/2005 New York City Administrative Code Title 21 Section 128(j) 2020-12-01 Search
1042 Human Resources Administration (HRA) HIV/AIDS Services Administration Quarterly Performance Report The Commissioner shall submit written, quarterly reports to the mayor and the council that shall, at a minimum, provide the following information: 1. The number of persons with clinical/symptomatic HIV illness or with AIDS who requested benefits or services set forth in subdivision b of this section or any other benefits or services provided by the division. 2. The processing time for applications for benefits or services, disaggregated by field office, type of benefit and individual versus family case, specified as follows: (i) for non-emergency applications for food stamps, Medicaid and public assistance benefits, including separate determinations of eligibility for Medicaid or food stamps: (1) the number of days from completed application to the provision of the benefit or service; and (2) in cases of denial, the number of days from the completed application to denial of the application. (ii) for immediate needs grants and expedited food stamps: (1) the number of days from the request date to the date of issuance of a grant; and (2) in cases of denial, the number of days from the request date to the date of denial. (iii) for all other non-emergency benefits or services provided by or through any division center or office, including but not limited to exceptions to policy for enhanced rental assistance and additional allowances: (1) (a) the number of days from initial request to completed application; and (b) the number of days from completed application to the provision of the benefit or service; and (2) in cases of denial, the number of days from completed application to denial of the application. (iv) for all other benefits or services provided on an emergency basis, including but not limited to exceptions to policy for enhanced rental assistance and additional allowances: (1) the number of days from initial request to completed application; (2) the number of days from completed application to approval or denial of the application; and (3) the number of days from approval of an application to the provision of the benefit or service. (v) for applications for non-emergency housing: (1) the number of days from a request for housing to completed application; (2) the number of days from completed application to approval or denial of the application; (3) the number of days from approval of an application to the date on which the client takes occupancy of non-emergency housing; and (4) with respect to applications that are approved, the number of days from completed application to the date on which the client takes occupancy of non-emergency housing. 3. The number of division staff, by job title, whose duties include providing benefits and services or access to benefits and services pursuant to this section, disaggregated by field office and family versus overall cases; the number of cases at each field office, disaggregated by family versus overall cases; and the ratio of case managers and supervisors to clients at each field office, disaggregated by family versus overall cases. 4. The number of cases closed, disaggregated by the reasons for closure. 5. The number of closed cases that were re-opened, the length of time required to re-open such closed cases, starting from the date on which the case was closed, and the total number of cases closed in error and the length of time required to reopen such closed cases, starting from the date on which the case was closed, disaggregated by field office and reported in the following categories: 0 to 15 days; 16 to 30 days; 31 to 45 days; 46 to 60 days; 61 to 75 days; 76 to 90 days; and more than 91 days. 6. The number of administrative fair hearings requested, the number of fair hearing decisions in favor of applicants and recipients and the length of time for compliance with such fair hearing decisions, disaggregated by decisions where there was compliance within 30 days of the decision date and decisions where there was compliance after 30 days of the decision date; 7. The number of proceedings initiated pursuant to Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules challenging fair hearing decisions, and the number of Article 78 decisions rendered in favor of applicants or recipients; 8. The number of clients in emergency housing and the average length of stay, disaggregated on a monthly basis; 9. The number of facilities used to provide emergency shelter for clients and the number of units per facility, disaggregated by the type of facility; 10. The number of facilities used to provide emergency shelter placed on non-referral status for each month in the reporting period and the number of facilities placed on non-referral status that remedied the situation that led to non-referral status. 11. The number of facilities used to provide emergency shelter placed on discontinuance of use status and the number of facilities placed on discontinuance of use status that remedied the situation that led to discontinuance of use status. 12. The number of requests for emergency housing assistance, the number of persons referred to the department of homeless services; the number of persons referred to commercial single room occupancy hotels, the average length of stay in commercial single room occupancy hotels, the number of applications for non-emergency housing each month; and the number of persons placed in non-emergency housing each month. 13. The number of inspections of emergency housing conducted by the division. 14. Quarterly reports required by this subdivision shall be delivered no later than 60 days after the last day of the time period covered by the report. The first quarterly report required by this subdivision shall be delivered no later than August 31, 2005. Every 3 Months LL 49/1997, LL 32/2005 New York City Administrative Code Title 21 Section 128(j) 2024-05-31 Search
1043 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Information on Emergency Feeding Programs, Food Benefits Programs, and Senior Centers Information on emergency feeding programs, food benefits programs, job centers, SNAP centers and senior center locations. In coordination with DFTA LL 136/2023 New York City Administrative Code Title 21, Section 131.3 Search
1044 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Language Access Implementation Plan/Local Law 30 of 2017 Report Every 3 Years LL 30/2017 New York City Administrative Code Title 23 Section 1102(d) 2024-06-07 Search
1045 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Matrimonial Law Pilot Program Assessment Report Report assessing the pilot program, including numbers served, other available free legal services, obstacles faced by recipients and recommendations for similar programs and their interactions with existing programs Once LL 5/2022 Search
1046 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Matrimonial Law Pilot Program Progress Report Progress report on numbers of recipients, costs and other information Once LL 5/2022 Search
1047 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Matrimonial Law Pilot Program Report Report on the Matrimonial Law Pilot Program, including working group report on the scope, eligibility requirements, plan for implementation, and recommendations for cultural appropriateness. (Submitted) Once LL 5/2022 2022-06-27 Search
1048 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Municipal Identification Card Program Report on the number of applications and cards issues, among other information Every 3 Months LL 35/2014 New York City Administrative Code Title 3 Section 115 2024-07-15 Search
1049 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Plan to Improve Client Experience at Job Centers and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Centers Such plan shall include actions to address complaints received pursuant to subdivision b of section 21-142.2, to the extent that such complaints relate to the client experience at job centers and SNAP centers. Such plan shall include a response to each recommendation received in audit conducted under LL 169/2019 Once LL 169/2019 Search
1050 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Public Burial Report Report summarizing and responding to testimony at the public hearing including comments on and recommendations regarding changes to the laws, rules, regulations, policies and procedures related to public burial and Hart Island Once LL 214/2019 2020-01-15 Search
1051 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Quarterly CityFHEPS Rental Assistance Payments Report Report on timeliness and amounts of prior quarter's CityFHPS payments Every 3 Months LL 145/2023 New York City Administrative Code Title 21, Section 145.4(b) 2024-06-17 Search
1052 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Quarterly Emergency Assistance Grant Reporting Report on the administration and utilization of emergency assistance grants for the previous four months Every 3 Months LL 38/2022 New York City Administrative Code Title 21, Section 150(g) 2024-08-16 Search
1053 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Quarterly Emergency Feeding Programs Application Distribution Report Report indicating the emergency feeding programs to which it distributed applications in the prior calendar quarter and the number of applications distributed to each emergency feeding program Every 3 Months LL 80/2005 New York City Administrative Code Title 21 Section 131(b) 2024-07-01 Search
1054 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Quarterly Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Plan Implementation A report on the agency's efforts during the previous quarter to implement the plan adopted pursuant to paragraph 19 (annual plan) of Section 815(a), including details of agency's efforts to implement equal employment practices, including statistical information regarding total employment, including provisional, seasonal, per-diem and part-time employees, new hiring and promotions in a manner which facilitates understanding of an agency's efforts to provide fair and effective equal opportunity employment for minority group members, women and members of other groups who are employed by, or who seek employment with, city agencies. HRA will submit both HRA and DHS report. Every 3 Months LL 102/1977, LL 59/1996, LL 12/2019 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(i) 2024-08-13 Search
1055 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Quarterly Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Plan Implementation A report on the agency's efforts during the previous quarter to implement the plan adopted pursuant to paragraph nineteen (annual plan) of Section 815(a),including details of agency's efforts to implement equal employment practices, including statistical information regarding total employment, including provisional, seasonal, per-diem and part-time employees, new hiring and promotions in a manner which facilitates understanding of an agency's efforts to provide fair and effective equal opportunity employment for minority group members, women and members of other groups who are employed by, or who seek employment with, city agencies. (Required report from Jan 2019 - Aug 2020) Every 3 Months LL 102/1977, LL 59/1996, LL 12/2019 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(i) 2020-08-04 Search
1056 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Quarterly Report on arrests, summonses, removals, escorts and use of force incidents in job centers and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) centers Every 3 Months LL 161/2019 New York City Administrative Code Title 21, Section 142.1(b) 2074-07-08 Search
1057 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Referrals to Adult Protective Services Report on referrals to adult protective services. Each such report shall include, but not be limited to, the total number of referrals received by adult protective services during each six month period and the number of referred individuals who were determined ineligible during such six month period, disaggregated by the reasons individuals were determined ineligible, a general description of the source of the referrals, and the council district, community board, and zip code of the referred individuals. (Completed) Every 6 Months LL 70/2015 New York City Administrative Code Title 21 Section 136 2023-09-20 Search
1058 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Report of the New York City Commission for the Foster Care of Children Study and report the extent and nature of the facilities required to provide adequate foster care for children. Make recommendations on all phases of the foster care of children including recommendations designed to prevent the need for such care. Make appropriate recommendations to the commissioner and to the administrative judge of the family court of the state of New York within the city of New York for submission to the mayor on all matters affecting the foster care of children. (Completed) Every 1 Year New York City Administrative Code, Title 21, Section 118(c)(8) Search
1059 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Report of the Office of Constituent Services Report including a compilation of monthly reports on 1. The number of comments, questions and complaints received; 2. The number of comments, questions and complaints received in which information was provided and the matter resolved; 3. The number of comments, questions and complaints received in which the matter was escalated for resolution, disaggregated by the 20 most frequent categories of inquiries; 4. Recommendations made pursuant to paragraph 4 of subdivision a of section 142.2; and 5. procedures established pursuant to section 146. Every 1 Year LL 171/2019, LL 160/2019, LL 102/2021 New York City Administrative Code Title 21, Section 142.2(d), 146(e)(4) 2024-01-29 Search
1060 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Report on Agency Policies on Identifying Information Report regarding the collection, retention, and disclosure of identifying information by such agency and any contractors or subcontractors utilized by such agency Every 2 Years LL 245/2017 New York City Administrative Code Title 23, Section 1205 2024-07-29 Search