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Required Reports

The links provided in this list of Required Report will lead to publications uploaded after mid-June, 2020. There are other agency publications available on the portal which you can access by using the search bar.

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Row Number Agency Name Description Frequency Authorizing Resource (Local Law) Authorizing Resource (Charter and Code) Last Published Date See All Reports
1021 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Annual Report of the Accessibility Advisory Board Report on the results of its study and any recommendations required by this section Every 1 Year LL 23/2023 Search
1022 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Annual Report of the Commission on Community Reinvestment and the Closure of Rikers Island Such report shall identify neighborhoods and populations most impacted by historical incarceration rates, analyze or assess ways in which reinvestment can reduce incarceration rates and identify opportunities for reinvestment in such communities that shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Investments address the root causes of crime and preventing crime, such as housing, public health and social programs; 2. Practices, policies and community investments that avoid contact with the criminal justice system for persons in mental health crisis, struggling with substance use disorder, homelessness and extreme poverty or other situations in which a traditional law enforcement response may be unwarranted or ineffective; and 3. Proposals for legislation, reviews of prosecutorial practices and police procedures that impact any such issues. Every 1 Year LL 193/2019 Search
1023 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Annual Report of the Interagency Coordinating Council on Homelessness Report on recommendations as required by Section 307(b) Every 1 Year LL 207/2017 New York City Administrative Code Title 21 Section 307(d) 2021-02-01 Search
1024 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Annual Report on Civil Legal Service Program by the Office of Civil Justice Report of the civil legal service needs of low-income city residents and the availability of free and low-cost civil legal services to meet such needs Every 1 Year LL 61/2015 New York City Charter Chapter 1, Section 13-b(b)(3) 2023-03-14 Search
1025 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Annual Report on Expenditure Estimates Annual estimate of the expenditures required for implementation of the programs Every 1 Year LL 136/2017, LL 54/2021 NYC Administrative Code Title 26, Section 1302 Search
1026 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Annual Report on Housing Specialists Report including information on housing specialists including the number of temporary shelters and housing specialists within temporary shelters, the average caseload of housing specialists within each temporary shelter; and the criteria by which the commissioner shall assess the performance of housing specialists. Every 1 Year LL 45/2023 New York City Administrative Code Title 21, Section 151(c) Search
1027 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Annual Report on LGBTQI+ Services Report on a review of the services and resources provided to LGBTQI+ individuals entering domestic violence emergency shelters including, but not limited to, efforts aimed at data collection about LGBTQI+ individuals utilizing domestic violence emergency shelters, as well as recommendations for enhancing outreach efforts and services, and information on staff training Every 1 Year LL 130/2021 New York City Administrative Code Title 21, Section 147(b) 2024-08-02 Search
1028 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Annual Report on Supportive Housing Report regarding information on supportive housing contained within the coordinated assessment and placement system (CAPS) for the preceding fiscal year (Completed) Every 1 Year LL 3/2022 New York City Administrative Code Title 21, Section 148(b) 2024-08-29 Search
1029 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Annual Report on Universal Access to Legal Services A review of the program established and its implementation, including numbers of users and outcomes Every 1 Year LL 136/2017 New York City Administrative Code Title 26, Section 1304(b) 2024-02-27 Search
1030 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Cash assistance application and caseload engagement status reports for individuals aged 16 to 20 Report on status of cash assistance to heads of household aged 16-24. (Required report from Sept 2019 - Jul 2020) Every 1 Month LL 51/2012 New York City Administrative Code Title 21 Section 134(b) 2021-07-15 Search
1031 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Cash assistance application and caseload engagement status reports for individuals aged 16 to 24 Report regarding the cash assistance caseload engagement status of heads of household between and including the ages of 16 and 24 Every 1 Month LL 51/2012 New York City Administrative Code Title 21, Section 134(b) 2024-09-09 Search
1032 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Cash assistance application and caseload engagement status reports for individuals aged 16 to 25 Report on number of heads of household aged 16-20 who applied for cash assistance and other information. (Required report from Sept 2019 - Jul 2020) Every 6 Months LL 51/2012 New York City Administrative Code Title 21 Section 134(b) 2020-07-06 Search
1033 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Cash assistance application report for individuals aged 16 to 20 Report on individuals aged 16-20 who applied for public assistance as head of household during the previous six months and of those, the total number accepted and rejected Every 6 Months LL 51/2012 New York City Administrative Code Title 21, Section 134(c) 2024-01-24 Search
1034 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Child Welfare Parent Advocate Advisory Committee Annual Report Recommendations regarding the improvement of services provided by the city and non-government related service delivery systems with respect to foster care services, preventive services and any other aspects of the child welfare system such committee deems relevant. With Child Welfare Parent Advocate Advisory Committee. (Completed) Every 1 Year LL 116/2005 New York City Administrative Code, Title 21 Section 131(b)(7) Search
1035 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Emergency Feeding Programs Application Distribution Report Report indicating the emergency feeding programs to which it distributed applications in the prior calendar quarter and the number of applications distributed to each emergency feeding program. (Required reports from Jan 2020 to Dec 2020) Every 3 Months LL 80/2005 New York City Administrative Code Title 21 Section 131(b) 2020-12-28 Search
1036 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Emergency Feeding Programs Report The commissioner shall submit a report to the speaker of the city council indicating the emergency feeding programs to which it distributed applications in the prior calendar quarter and the number of applications distributed to each emergency feeding program. (Required report from Jan 2020 - Jul 2020) Every 3 Months New York City Administrative Code, Title 21, Section 131 Search
1037 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Five Year Plan A five-year plan for providing free and low-cost civil legal services to those low-income city residents who need such services. Such plan shall also identify obstacles to making such services available to all those who need them and describe what additional resources would be necessary to do so. (Completed) LL 61/2015 New York City Charter Chapter 1, Section 13-b(c) Search
1038 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Five Year Plan for Civil Legal Services Five-year plan for providing free and low-cost civil legal services to those low-income city residents who need such services, identify obstacles to making such services available to all those who need them and describe what additional resources would be necessary to do so (Completed) Every 5 Years LL 61/2015 New York City Charter Chapter 1, Section 13-b(c) Search
1039 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Five Year Plan for Civil Legal Services A five-year plan for providing free and low-cost civil legal services to those low-income city residents who need such services. Such plan shall also identify obstacles to making such services available to all those who need them and describe what additional resources would be necessary to do so. Every 5 Years LL 61/2015 New York City Charter Chapter 1, Section 13-b(c) 2018-03-18 Search
1040 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Follow-up Evaluation and Appendix of Anonymized Data Report evaluating the impact of such pilot program on participants’ use of public assistance, income, housing, health or any other criterion set forth in such program’s research plan, with appendix of anonymized data LL 105/2023 New York City Administrative Code Title 21, Section 936(c)(2) Search