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Required Reports

The links provided in this list of Required Report will lead to publications uploaded after mid-June, 2020. There are other agency publications available on the portal which you can access by using the search bar.

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Row Number Agency Name Description Frequency Authorizing Resource (Local Law) Authorizing Resource (Charter and Code) Last Published Date See All Reports
221 City Clerk, Office of the (CLERK) Quarterly Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Plan Implementation A report on the agency's efforts during the previous quarter to implement the plan adopted pursuant to paragraph nineteen (annual plan) of Section 815(a),including details of agency's efforts to implement equal employment practices, including statistical information regarding total employment, including provisional, seasonal, per-diem and part-time employees, new hiring and promotions in a manner which facilitates understanding of an agency's efforts to provide fair and effective equal opportunity employment for minority group members, women and members of other groups who are employed by, or who seek employment with, city agencies. Every 3 Months LL 102/1977, LL 59/1996, LL 12/2019 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(i) Search
222 City Council, New York (NYCC) Report on Preliminary Mayor's Management Report Prior to April 8 in each year the council shall conduct public hearings on the preliminary management report and on the proposed program and performance goals and measures of city agencies contained in such report. The council shall submit to the mayor and make public not later than April 8 a report or reports on findings and recommendations. Every 1 Year New York City Charter Chapter 1, Section 12, Subsection 6(e) and Chapter 10, Section 247 2024-04-01 Search
223 City Planning, Department of (DCP) Annual Agency Workforce Pay and Equity Report Report on new full-time and part-time employees, employees promoted, employees terminated, employees leaving the agency, and aggregated data about the employees Every 1 Year LL 27/2023 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(l) Search
224 City Planning, Department of (DCP) Annual Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Plan Annual fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by, or who seek employment with, the agency Every 1 Year LL 12/2019 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(a) 2022-11-17 Search
225 City Planning, Department of (DCP) City Planning Commission Report on Historic District or Landmark Designation A report with respect to the relation of such designation, whether of a historic district or a landmark, interior landmark, scenic landmark, or landmark site, or amendment of such designation to the zoning resolution, projected public improvements and any plans for the development, growth, improvement or renewal of the area involved. The city planning commission shall include with any such report its recommendation, if any, for council action with respect to any such designation of a historic district. New York City Administrative Code Title 25, Section 303(g)(1) 2021-06-22 Search
226 City Planning, Department of (DCP) Citywide Statement of Needs (digital only) Citywide statement of needs concerning city facilities Every 1 Year LL 20/2002 New York City Charter Chapter 8, Section 204 2024-01-19 Search
227 City Planning, Department of (DCP) Gazetteer of City-Owned Property/City Owned & Leased Property - COLP Every 1 Year New York City Charter Chapter 8, Section 204(d) Search
228 City Planning, Department of (DCP) Information and functionality for reporting on privately owned public space Including all reports prepared under subsection (b), an interactive map of locations and information about those spaces, and a mechanism for electronically filing complaints LL 116/2017 New York City Administrative Code Title 25, Section 114(b) Search
229 City Planning, Department of (DCP) Language Access Implementation Plan/Local Law 30 of 2017 Report Every 3 Years LL 30/2017 New York City Administrative Code Title 23 Section 1102(d) Search
230 City Planning, Department of (DCP) Notice of Proposed Rescission of Landmark Designation A report that a resolution proposing rescission of landmark status has been passed New York City Administrative Code Title 25, Section 303(h)(1) Search
231 City Planning, Department of (DCP) Office Adaptive Reuse Study Report on the task force's recommendations regarding conversion of vacant or commercially unviable office space to other uses, including for affordable housing units, and a summary of the information the task force considered Once LL 43/2022 Search
232 City Planning, Department of (DCP) Public List of Commitments All commitments made by letter by the mayor or a representative designated by the mayor to the council or a council member that relate to an application described in subdivision b of this section on which the city or a not-for-profit corporation of which a majority of its members are appointed by the mayor is either the applicant or co-applicant. (Completed) Every 1 Year LL 175/2016 New York City Charter Chapter 8, Section 206(f) Search
233 City Planning, Department of (DCP) Quarterly Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Plan Implementation A report on the agency's efforts during the previous quarter to implement the plan adopted pursuant to paragraph nineteen (annual plan) of Section 815(a),including details of agency's efforts to implement equal employment practices, including statistical information regarding total employment, including provisional, seasonal, per-diem and part-time employees, new hiring and promotions in a manner which facilitates understanding of an agency's efforts to provide fair and effective equal opportunity employment for minority group members, women and members of other groups who are employed by, or who seek employment with, city agencies. (Completed) Every 3 Months LL 102/1977, LL 59/1996, LL 12/2019 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(i) 2020-06-16 Search
234 City Planning, Department of (DCP) Quarterly Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Plan Implementation A report on the agency's efforts during the previous quarter to implement the plan adopted pursuant to paragraph 19 (annual plan) of Section 815(a), including details of agency's efforts to implement equal employment practices, including statistical information regarding total employment, including provisional, seasonal, per-diem and part-time employees, new hiring and promotions in a manner which facilitates understanding of an agency's efforts to provide fair and effective equal opportunity employment for minority group members, women and members of other groups who are employed by, or who seek employment with, city agencies. Every 3 Months LL 102/1977, LL 59/1996, LL 12/2019 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(i) 2024-02-14 Search
235 City Planning, Department of (DCP) Report on Agency Policies on Identifying Information Report regarding the collection, retention, and disclosure of identifying information by such agency and any contractors or subcontractors utilized by such agency Every 2 Years LL 245/2017 New York City Administrative Code Title 23, Section 1205 2024-07-31 Search
236 City Planning, Department of (DCP) Report on Open Data Compliance Direct to Mayor's Office of Data Analytics (MODA) to be compiled: Report on which public data set or sets that it is unable to make available, the reasons why it cannot do so and the date by which the agency expects that such public data set or sets will be available on the single web portal (Completed) LL 11/2012 New York City Administrative Code Title 23, Section 502(a) Search
237 City Planning, Department of (DCP) Report on Population and Housing Analysis Study For each covered project approved by the city council on or after January 1, 2009, the department shall conduct a study of changes in population and housing that have occurred since the effective date of such covered project LL 162/2021 New York City Administrative Code Title 25, Section 119 Search
238 City Planning, Department of (DCP) Report on privately owned public space Report on details of each such public space and its compliance with operational requirements Every 1 Year LL 116/2017 New York City Administrative Code Title 25, Section 114(b) 2022-07-20 Search
239 City Planning, Department of (DCP) Report on Proposed Alterations Report on plans for the construction, reconstruction, alteration or demolition of any improvement or proposed improvement on city-owned property or on designated landmark New York City Administrative Code Chapter 25, Section 318 Search
240 City Planning, Department of (DCP) Report on Proposed Rescission of Landmark Designation A report with respect to the relation of such proposed rescission of any such designation, whether of a historic district or a landmark, interior landmark, scenic landmark or landmark site, or amendment or modification thereof, to the zoning resolution, projected public improvements and any plans for the development, growth, improvement, or renewal of the area involved New York City Administrative Code Title 25, Section 303(h)(2) 2020-08-19 Search