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Required Reports

The links provided in this list of Required Report will lead to publications uploaded after mid-June, 2020. There are other agency publications available on the portal which you can access by using the search bar.

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Row Number Agency Name Description Frequency Authorizing Resource (Local Law) Authorizing Resource (Charter and Code) Last Published Date See All Reports
1001 Housing Preservation and Development, Department of (HPD) Report on Expiring Affordable Housing Units Report on numbers of expiring affordable housing units Every 1 Year LL 136/2018 New York City Administrative Code Title 26, Section 2205 Search
1002 Housing Preservation and Development, Department of (HPD) Report on Hazardous Elevator-Related Violations Required to report on any hazardous elevator-related violations referred by Department of Buildings pursuant to New York City Administrative Code Title 28, Section 219.4 Every 1 Year LL 101/2015 New York City Administrative Code Title 27, Section 2129.1 2020-12-01 Search
1003 Housing Preservation and Development, Department of (HPD) Report on Implementation of Legal Services in Eviction Proceedings Program A review of the program and its implementation (Completed) Every 1 Year LL 136/2017 New York City Administrative Code Title 26, Section 1304(b) Search
1004 Housing Preservation and Development, Department of (HPD) Report on Median Asking Rent for Dwelling Units A listing of median asking rents for dwelling units, disaggregated by community district and, if such data is available in a statistically significant and representative sample, by the number of bedrooms Every 1 Year LL 101/2019 New York City Administrative Code Title 27, Section 2096 2021-09-01 Search
1005 Housing Preservation and Development, Department of (HPD) Report on Open Data Compliance Direct to Mayor's Office of Data Analytics (MODA) to be compiled: Report on which public data set or sets that it is unable to make available, the reasons why it cannot do so and the date by which the agency expects that such public data set or sets will be available on the single web portal (Completed) LL 11/2012 New York City Administrative Code Title 23, Section 502(a) Search
1006 Housing Preservation and Development, Department of (HPD) Report on relocation of tenants The commissioner shall annually submit to the mayor, the board of estimate, and the council a detailed report on tenant relocation activities which are subject to the provisions of this section and recommendations in regard thereto and shall coordinate the efforts of and consider the reports, recommendations and suggestions of public and private agencies and civic groups in regard thereto Every 1 Year New York City Administrative Code Title 26 Section 301(5) 2021-01-08 Search
1007 Housing Preservation and Development, Department of (HPD) Report on Results of the Alternative Enforcement Program Study of the effectiveness of the AEP program Every 2 Years LL 29/2007, LL 7/2011 New York City Administrative Code Title 27, Section 2153(v) 2020-07-31 Search
1008 Housing Preservation and Development, Department of (HPD) Report on Supply of Housing Accommodations Report on the supply of housing accommodations within the City. Submitted by Rent Guidelines Board (RGB) (Completed) Every 3 Years New York City Administrative Code Title 26 Section 415 2020-06-16 Search
1009 Housing Preservation and Development, Department of (HPD) Report on Survey on Effectiveness of Pilot Program to Reduce Harassment of Tenants Reports including 1. the number of covered buildings where the owner applied for a certificate of no harassment disaggregated by whether the department issued a certificate of no harassment, a cure agreement was reached, or a waiver of a certificate of no harassment; 2. the location of buildings where the department determined that harassment had occurred, disaggregated by community board and council district disaggregated by whether such building was subject to a cure agreement; 3. metrics which the department determines appropriate to determine the preventive impacts of such program; 4. a determination, using such metrics, as to whether such program resulted in preventive impacts; 5. estimated costs of the program to the city; and 6. recommendations for improving the efficacy of such program if the pilot program continues LL 1/2018, LL 140/2021 2020-06-01 Search
1010 Housing Preservation and Development, Department of (HPD) Report on Tracking System Plan Implementation Report on the progress of the tracking system plan required by section 26-2202, until the completion of the implementation of the plan Every 1 Year LL 136/2018 New York City Administrative Code Title 26, Section 2203 2021-04-30 Search
1011 Housing Preservation and Development, Department of (HPD) Report on urban renewal areas Report including (a) Maps displaying the project boundaries of all currently and formerly designated urban renewal areas in the city of New York, to the extent practicable; (b) An illustrative map or maps of the city displaying the approximate locations of all such urban renewal areas; (c) A list, organized by borough, of all such urban renewal areas; (d) The council districts that may include real property within the project boundary of any such urban renewal area; (e) For each such urban renewal area, the expiration date of the final version of the applicable urban renewal plan; (f) The land use restrictions imposed pursuant to such urban renewal plans; and (g) A notice that upon expiration of such urban renewal plans existing zoning regulations may allow as-of-right development subject to less restrictive use, density, and design requirements. Such notice shall be accompanied by information about researching urban renewal restrictions on currently and previously designated urban renewal sites. (Submitted) Once LL 40/2018 New York City Charter Chapter 961 Section 1806(5) 2020-06-16 Search
1012 Housing Preservation and Development, Department of (HPD) Report on Vacant Land A report of vacant buildings or lots under the jurisdiction of the department categorized according to the potential development or feasibility status of such buildings or lots as affordable housing Every 1 Year LL 30/2018 New York City Administrative Code Title 26, Section 1901 2020-11-01 Search
1013 Housing Preservation and Development, Department of (HPD) Speculation Watch List List of multiple dwellings that contain six or more dwelling units in which a majority of such units are rent regulated, created by analyzing the capitalization rate for qualified transactions involving such multiple dwellings and applying the criteria promulgated by rule pursuant to subdivision b of this section LL 7/2018 New York City Administrative Code Title 27, Section 2109.52 2018-07-01 Search
1014 Housing Preservation and Development, Department of (HPD) Universal Design List and Report List of required features of universal design including an explanation as to why the department included such feature, and how such feature, to the greatest extent possible, improves accessibility for all individuals Once LL 30/2023 New York City Administrative Code Title 26 Section 2504 Search
1015 Housing Preservation and Development, Department of (HPD) Update on Housing Lottery System Report providing details about amendments to the housing lottery systems used by such department for the selection of tenants to fill affordable housing units in affordable housing developments during the immediately preceding reporting period. The information included in such report shall include, but need not be limited to, a summary of implementation challenges, the procedures set forth by such department to screen and select tenants, the procedures for accepting and processing paper and other non-electronic applications, the procedures for populating waiting lists including the procedures for incorporating paper and other non-electronic applications into waiting lists, a summary of technical difficulties with the online housing lottery system application portal reported to such department and common substantiated applicant complaints about the selection process Every 2 Years LL 216/2019 Search
1016 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Annual Agency Workforce Pay and Equity Report Report on new full-time and part-time employees, employees promoted, employees terminated, employees leaving the agency, and aggregated data about the employees Every 1 Year LL 27/2023 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(l) Search
1017 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Annual Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Plan Annual fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by, or who seek employment with, the agency Every 1 Year LL 12/2019 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(a) 2024-03-19 Search
1018 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Annual Opioid Training Report Report including (i) the number of department employees and employees of service providers under contract with the department who have completed the opioid antagonist administration training, (ii) the number of department employees and employees of service providers under contract with the department who have completed a refresher training, and (iii) the number of residents living HASA facilities who have completed the opioid antagonist administration training. Such report shall also include the number of times an opioid antagonist was administered to a resident disaggregated by the type of facility where the administration occurred (with Homeless Services, Department of (DHS)) Every 1 Year LL 225/2017 New York City Administrative Code Title 21 Section 129(c) 2023-10-12 Search
1019 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Annual Report Report of the civil legal service needs of low-income city residents and the availability of free and low-cost civil legal services to meet such needs. (Completed) Every 1 Year LL61/2015 New York City Charter Chapter 1, Section 13-b(b)(3) 2020-06-16 Search
1020 Human Resources Administration (HRA) Annual Report of the Accessibility Advisory Board Report on the results of its study and any recommendations required by this section Every 1 Year LL 23/2023 Search