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Required Reports

The links provided in this list of Required Report will lead to publications uploaded after mid-June, 2020. There are other agency publications available on the portal which you can access by using the search bar.

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Row Number Agency Name Description Frequency Authorizing Resource (Local Law) Authorizing Resource (Charter and Code) Last Published Date See All Reports
861 Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of (DOHMH) Annual Report on Rat Mitigation Report on the metrics that the department is using to measure the efficacy of rat mitigation in such zones, including a description of whether the department has seen improvement, as measured by such metrics, and, if so, how such improvement has been achieved; an overview of current and planned rat mitigation measures, including goals and specific benchmarks and timelines, in each such zone; a description of the public outreach measures undertaken by the department in relation to rat mitigation in each such zone; explanations of the creation or elimination of rat mitigation zones, or any change of boundaries of such zone, since the previous report, if applicable; and explanations of any changes to the rat mitigation measures used in each such zone since the previous report, if applicable. Every 1 Year LL 108/2022 New York City Administrative Code Title 17, Section 133.3 2023-12-21 Search
862 Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of (DOHMH) Annual Report on Regulation of Tobacco Products Report concerning the administration and enforcement of the Tobacco Product Regulation Act Every 1 Year LL 69/2009 New York City Administrative Code Title 17, Section 711 2024-05-08 Search
863 Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of (DOHMH) Annual Report on Telemedicine Plan Report on telemedicine accessibility plan to improve the availability and accessibility of telemedicine services for the telepatient population, and its implementation Every 1 Year LL 59/2023 New York City Administrative Code Title 17, Section 2003(b) Search
864 Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of (DOHMH) Beach Surveillance Report A combined report of the dates and results of all health inspections of all bathing beaches and the dates and reasons for any advisory or closure for the Friday preceding the last Monday of May until the Friday after the first Monday of September of each year Every 1 Year LL 29/2005, LL 48/1990, LL 117/2005 New York City Administrative Code Title 18, Section 131(c)(4) 2023-11-29 Search
865 Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of (DOHMH) Biennial Report of the Municipal Drug Strategy Council Report on municipal drug strategy, including current drug policies, programs and services; interventions needed; amounts of opioid antagonists needed by city agencies, and more. No later than February 1, 2018, and no later than February 1 biennially, until Local Law is deemed repealed following the submission of the required report pursuant to this local law due in February 2022. Every 2 Years LL 129/2018, LL 48/2017 New York City Charter Chapter 1, Section 20-c 2023-04-03 Search
866 Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of (DOHMH) Child care services inspection reports A summary child care service inspection report regarding child care programs in New York City following an inspection New York City Administrative Code Title 17, Section 1302 Search
867 Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of (DOHMH) Child Day Care Quarterly Report Report regarding child care programs in New York city that includes, at a minimum, the following information concerning child care services, and to the extent that the department has access to such information, as well as information concerning state-regulated family and group family day care homes and school-age child care programs in 17-13.07. (Completed) Every 3 Months LL 22/2010 New York City Administrative Code Title 17, Section 1307(a) Search
868 Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of (DOHMH) Child Fatality Review Advisory Team Report A report including, but not limited to, the number of child fatality cases which occurred in the City of New York during the previous year; statistics regarding the causes of child fatalities; specific non-identifying data with respect to the victims of child fatalities, such as gender, age and race, and, if available, religion and ethnicity; statistics regarding the location of child fatalities, disaggregated by borough; and recommendations regarding ways to decrease the future incidence of child fatalities in the City of New York. Every 1 Year LL 115/2006, LL 6/2012 New York City Administrative Code Title 17, Chapter 191(i) 2024-01-18 Search
869 Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of (DOHMH) Citywide Diabetes Reduction Plan A plan to reduce the incidence and impact of diabetes in the city Once LL 52/2023 New York City Administrative Code, Title 17, section 199.20(a) 2024-04-10 Search
870 Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of (DOHMH) Committee on City Healthcare Services Report A report reviewing provision of healthcare services in the city, including to low-income individuals, the uninsured, the under-insured, homeless individuals and families, incarcerated individuals, communities of color, the aging, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals, immigrants, women, people with limited English proficiency, individuals under the age of 21, and people with disabilities Every 2 Years LL 6/2018 NYC Charter Chapter 1 Section 20-e Search
871 Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of (DOHMH) Community Air Quality Survey Report Report with the results of the annual community air quality survey for the most recently available year's analysis Every 1 Year LL 103/2015 New York City Administrative Code Title 17, Section 125 2024-04-22 Search
872 Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of (DOHMH) Community Quality Air Survey A survey measuring air pollution levels around the city and to determine the relationship between air pollution levels around the city and factors such as traffic and building emissions. (Required report from April 2020) Every 1 Year LL 103/2015 New York City Administrative Code Title 17, Section 125 2020-04-22 Search
873 Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of (DOHMH) Comprehensive Report on Results of Cumulative Studies on Diabetes-Related Health Problems Report including recommendations to reduce diabetes-related health problems and a plan to implement the department's recommendations. (Submitted) Once LL 221/2019 2021-07-14 Search
874 Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of (DOHMH) Contraceptives Report Report on the most recent fiscal year data available regarding commonly used contraceptive methods. Such data shall be collected no less than annually for adults, and no less than biennially for high school students Every 1 Year LL 54/2017 New York City Administrative Code Chapter 17, Section 199.42 2023-10-17 Search
875 Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of (DOHMH) Doula Report A report on doula services programs, areas with high maternal mortality and updates to the doula plan Every 1 Year LL 187/2018 New York City Administrative Code Chapter 17, Section 199.10(c) 2024-07-10 Search
876 Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of (DOHMH) Educational Materials on Opiates Awareness and Prevention Age appropriate educational materials regarding drugs and opiates awareness and prevention Every 1 Year LL 125/2018 New York City Administrative Code Title 17, Section 199.9 2021-04-23 Search
877 Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of (DOHMH) Educational Outreach Materials about Mental Health and Behavioral Health Services Outreach and education campaign materials to raise public awareness about programs that provide low-cost and no-cost mental health services to New Yorkers who do not qualify for or cannot afford health insurance based on federal guidelines, including an explanation of how individuals may access such services, including, but not limited to, through referrals from primary care providers LL 108/2023 New York City Administrative Code Title 17, Section 199.21 Search
878 Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of (DOHMH) Electronic Death Registration System Evaluation Report reviewing the development and implementation of the electronic death registration system Every 6 Months LL 2/2004 New York City Administrative Code Title 17, Section 196(i) Search
879 Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of (DOHMH) Food Service Establishment Advisory Board Annual Report An assessment of the restaurant inspection program and its effect on the restaurant industry, public health and food safety, including information on the top ten most commonly cited violations in the previous year and any change in the incidences of illness from food borne pathogens; and specific recommendations for changes and/or improvements to the restaurant inspection program and actions, if any, taken by the department in response to such recommendations Every 1 Year LL 129/2013 New York City Administrative Code Title 17, Section 1503 2024-04-01 Search
880 Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of (DOHMH) Food Service Establishment Inspection Guidance Letters Guidance letters providing informal advisory opinions on matters pertaining to food service establishment inspections, including but not limited to appropriate inspection methods and food handling techniques, either upon request or the department's own initiative LL 89/2013 New York City Administrative Code Title 17, Section 1505(b)(3) Search