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Required Reports

The links provided in this list of Required Report will lead to publications uploaded after mid-June, 2020. There are other agency publications available on the portal which you can access by using the search bar.

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Row Number Agency Name Description Frequency Authorizing Resource (Local Law) Authorizing Resource (Charter and Code) Last Published Date See All Reports
741 Environmental Protection, Department of (DEP) Report on Preventing Confirmed Sewer Backups A plan to prevent confirmed sewer backups for the sewer system. (Submitted) Once LL 61/2019 New York City Administrative Code, Title 24, Chapter 503.2 2019-12-18 Search
742 Environmental Protection, Department of (DEP) Report on Progress in Implementing the Southeast Queens Flood Mitigation Plan Report including a description of any changes to such plan, a description of any changes in funds committed by or on behalf of the city in furtherance of such plan and a description of all funds expended by or on behalf of the city in furtherance of such plan. Every 1 Year LL 56/2017 New York City Administrative Code Title 24, Section 530(b) 2024-02-16 Search
743 Environmental Protection, Department of (DEP) Report on the Implementation Status of a Sustainable Stormwater Management Plan Every 2 Years LL 5/2008 New York City Administrative Code Title 24 Section 526.1(b)(4) 2021-10-01 Search
744 Environmental Protection, Department of (DEP) Report on the Jamaica Bay clean-up and resiliency project Jamaica Bay Task Force, set up in November, 2018 reporting its advice and recommendations on matters relating to or impacting the ongoing Jamaica Bay clean-up and resiliency project including but not limited to: 1. Review of measures proposed to restore and maintain the water quality and ecological integrity of the bay; and 2. Analysis of the impacts of sea-level rise on Jamaica Bay and the surrounding watershed including the underground aquifer and groundwater service area. (Completed) Every 2 Years LL 179/2018 New York City Administrative Code Section 24-527.1(b) 2020-06-16 Search
745 Environmental Protection, Department of (DEP) Report on the Use of Heating Oil & Biodiesel Delivered to Buildings in NYC (Completed)(See Annual Local Law Air Report) Every 1 Year LL 43/2010, LL 119/2016 New York City Administrative Code Title 24 Section 168.1 2022-02-11 Search
746 Environmental Protection, Department of (DEP) Report on Use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel and Best Available Technology for City Ferries Report on use of ultra low sulfur diesel fuel and best available technology for diesel-fuel powered ferries during the immediately preceding fiscal year. (Reports up to Feb 2020) Every 1 Year LL 3/2008 New York City Administrative Code Title 19, Section 307(j)(1) Search
747 Environmental Protection, Department of (DEP) Report on use of ultra low sulfur diesel fuel and the use of the best available retrofit technology by diesel fuel-powered motor vehicles owned or operated by city agencies during the immediately preceding calendar year Report on numbers of diesel and ultra low sulfur diesel vehicles owned/operated by each agency, numbers of vehicles using best available retrofit technology, and including findings, waivers and renewals of requirements regarding ultra low sulfur diesel fuel. (Completed)(See Annual Local Law Air Report) Every 1 Year LL 038/2015, LL 77/2003 New York City Administrative Code Title 24, Section 163.4(f) 2023-06-16 Search
748 Environmental Protection, Department of (DEP) Report regarding the use-based fuel economy for the immediately preceding fiscal year Report on the estimated total amount of fuel consumed by the city's fleet of motor vehicles and the estimated total amount of equivalent carbon dioxide emitted by such vehicles, disaggregated according to fuel type. For the purposes of this subdivision, the city's fleet of motor vehicles shall include vehicles specially equipped for emergency response by the department, office of emergency management, sheriff's office of the department of finance, police department, fire department, or office of the chief medical examiner. (Completed)(See Annual Local Law Air Report) Every 1 Year LL 38/2015 New York City Administrative Code Title 24, Section 163.1(f)(2) 2021-04-27 Search
749 Environmental Protection, Department of (DEP) Update to the Comprehensive Watershed Protection Plan Report updating comprehensive wetlands protection strategy, including (1) the implementation status of the measures included in such strategy, as it may have been revised pursuant to this subdivision; and (2) specific progress towards each of the strategy's goals Every 4 Years LL 31/2009 New York Administrative Code Title 24, Section 528(e) 2020-06-16 Search
750 Environmental Protection, Department of (DEP) Use of Best Available Retrofit Technology by Sight-Seeing Buses Report Report on, among other things, the use of the best available retrofit technology by diesel fuel-powered sight-seeing buses during the immediately preceding fiscal year, including waivers granted. (Completed)(See Annual Local Law Air Report) Every 1 Year LL 38/2015, LL 41/2005 New York City Administrative Code Title 24, Section 163.6(g) 2022-02-11 Search
751 Environmental Protection, Department of (DEP) Use of Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel and Best Available Retrofit Technology by the City's Diesel Fuel-Powered Motor Vehicles Report Report on the use of ultra low sulfur diesel fuel and the use of the best available retrofit technology by diesel fuel-powered motor vehicles owned or operated by city agencies during the immediately preceding calendar year, including waivers granted. (Completed)(See Annual Local Law Air Report) Every 1 Year LL 38/2015 New York City Administrative Code Title 24, Section 163.4(f) 2022-02-11 Search
752 Environmental Protection, Department of (DEP) Use of Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel and Best Available Retrofit Technology in School Bus Transportation Report Report on, among other things, the use of ultra low sulfur diesel fuel and the use of the best available retrofit technology by school buses during the immediately preceding fiscal year, including waivers granted. (Completed)(See Annual Local Law Air Report) Every 1 Year LL 38/2015 New York City Administrative Code Title 24, Section 163.7(i) 2022-02-11 Search
753 Environmental Protection, Department of (DEP) Use of Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel and Best Available Retrofit Technology in the Fulfillment of Solid Waste Contracts and Recyclable Materials Contracts Report Report on, among other things, the use of ultra low sulfur diesel fuel and the use of the best available retrofit technology by diesel fuel-powered motor vehicles and diesel fuel-powered nonroad vehicles used in the performance of a solid waste contract or recyclable materials contract during the immediately preceding fiscal year, including waivers granted. (Completed)(See Annual Local Law Air Report) Every 1 Year LL 40/2005, LL 38/2015 New York City Administrative Code Title 24, Section 163.5(f) 2022-02-11 Search
754 Environmental Protection, Department of (DEP) Use of Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel and Best Available Technology in Nonroad Vehicles Report Report on the use of ultra low sulfur diesel fuel in diesel-powered nonroad vehicles and the use of the best available technology for reducing the emission of pollutants and such other authorized technology in accordance with this section for such vehicles by city agencies during the immediately preceding fiscal year, including waivers granted. (Completed)(See Annual Local Law Air Report) Every 1 Year LL 77/2003, LL38/2015 New York City Administrative Code Title 24 Section 163.3(g) 2023-06-16 Search
755 Environmental Protection, Department of (DEP) Water Conservation Public Information Campaign Status A list of fixtures meeting the standards of Reference Standard 15 in the Appendix to Title 27 of the Administrative Code. (Completed) Every 1 Year LL 29/1989 Search
756 Environmental Protection, Department of (DEP) Watershed protection plan for the watershed/sewershed of Jamaica Bay No later than October 1, 2007, the commissioner shall complete a watershed protection plan for the watershed/sewershed of Jamaica Bay, which shall include measures the city can implement to help protect Jamaica bay. No later than October 1, 2006, the commissioner shall complete an interim report on the preparation of the watershed protection plan. No later than March 1, 2007, the commissioner shall complete a draft of the watershed protection plan. The commissioner shall submit to the mayor and the speaker of the council the watershed protection plan, draft of such plan and interim report, or any revised plan, no later than five business days after its completion. The watershed protection plan shall be reviewed and revised as necessary no less often than once every two years. No later than October 1, 2008, and no later than October 1 of every second year thereafter, the commissioner shall submit a report to the mayor and the speaker of the council on the implementation status of the measures included in the watershed protection plan. Every 2 Years LL71/2005 New York Administrative Code Title 24, Section 527 Search
757 Environmental Protection, Department of (DEP) Watershed Protection Plan Implementation Report Update Report on the implementation status of the measures included in such strategy, as it may have been revised pursuant to this subdivision; and (2) specific progress towards each of the strategy's goals Every 4 Years LL 31/2009 New York Administrative Code Title 24, Section 528(e) 2021-03-31 Search
758 Equal Employment Practices Commission (EEPC) Annual Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Plan Annual fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by, or who seek employment with, the agency. (Completed) Every 1 Year LL 12/2019 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(a) Search
759 Equal Employment Practices Commission (EEPC) Annual Report Report on the activities of the Commission & the effectiveness of city agencies' affirmative employment efforts Every 1 Year LL 59/1996 New York City Charter Chapter 36 Section 831, Sub-section 7 2024-03-13 Search
760 Equal Employment Practices Commission (EEPC) Audits EEPC audits city agencies' equal employment practices and makes a preliminary determination. If the agency has not provided equal employment opportunity as decided by EEPC, recommendations are made and the agency has the opportunity to respond. If proposed corrective actions by agency are not considered sufficient, EEPC can make a final determination with recommended corrective action; the agency then responds within 30 days on corrective actions it will take and reports monthly to the commission. After 6 months, EEPC will determine if more action needs to be taken, notify the agency and report to the Mayor. This is all part of the audit process for EEPC. New York City Charter Chapter 36, Section 832(c) 2020-03-05 Search