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Required Reports

The links provided in this list of Required Report will lead to publications uploaded after mid-June, 2020. There are other agency publications available on the portal which you can access by using the search bar.

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Row Number Agency Name Description Frequency Authorizing Resource (Local Law) Authorizing Resource (Charter and Code) Last Published Date See All Reports
601 Education, Department of (DOE) Annual Report on Guidance Counselors and Social Workers Report of information regarding guidance counselors and social workers for the current school year. Such report shall include, but not be limited to: (i) the number of full and part-time guidance counselors and social workers in each school, (ii) the guidance counselor and social worker to student ratio in each school, (iii) whether the guidance counselor or social worker is providing counseling assistance to more than one school, (iv) the number of guidance counselors and social workers who provide counseling services as mandated by an IEP as of December 15 of the current school year, (v) the number of staff in each school who received professional development or training in postsecondary planning as of the prior school year, and (vi) the number of licensed and certified bilingual guidance counselors and social workers in each school. Such report shall also include the number of guidance counselors and social workers in the absent teacher reserve pool for grades seven through twelve, and information regarding any guidance memorandums issued by the department regarding college preparedness. Such report shall include demographic information for students in each school, including, but not limited to race, ethnicity, English language learner status, special education status, and the percentage of students eligible for free and reduced price lunch pursuant to guidelines promulgated by the United States department of agriculture. Every 1 Year LL 56/2014 New York City Administrative Code Title 21-a, Section 952 2020-02-15 Search
602 Education, Department of (DOE) Annual Report on Lactation Rooms Annual report summarizing policies for providing lactation rooms to students and their parents and guardians in NYC public schools Every 1 Year LL 184/2018 New York City Administrative Code Title 17, Section 17-199.1 Search
603 Education, Department of (DOE) Annual Report on Opioid Antagonists in Schools Report including the number of school buildings stocked with at least 1 opioid antagonist kit and the number of instances that an opioid antagonist from such stocked kit was administered to an individual in a school building Every 1 Year LL 2/2024 New York City Administrative Code Title 21-A, Section 1005(c) Search
604 Education, Department of (DOE) Annual Report on PTA Funding Report regarding the income and total expenditure for each PA and PTA in the prior school year Every 1 Year LL 171/2018 New York City Administrative Code Title 21-A, Chapter 23, Section 998(b) Search
605 Education, Department of (DOE) Annual Report on School Incidents Annual report on crimes committed in schools and disruptive, dangerous or violent behavior Every 1 Year New York City Charter, Section 529 Search
606 Education, Department of (DOE) Annual Report on Special Education Services An annual report regarding the evaluation of students, not including preschool students, for special education services and the provision of such services during the preceding academic period Every 1 Year LL 147/2023, LL 21/2020, LL 15/2020, LL 89/2018, LL 183/2017, LL 027/2015 NYC Administrative Code Title 21-A, Chapter 5, Section 955(b) 2020-06-16 Search
607 Education, Department of (DOE) Annual Report on Staff Demographics A report for the previous school year including the following for each school: 1. The district borough number; and 2. The number of employees, disaggregated by: (a) Teaching staff; (b) Leadership staff; and (c) Other professional and paraprofessional staff disaggregated by various factors Every 1 Year LL 226/2019 New York City Administrative Code Title 21-a, Section 958 2020-12-01 Search
608 Education, Department of (DOE) Annual Report on Student Demographics in High Schools For each public high school, the total number of students enrolled in grades nine through twelve in the preceding school year and the number and percentage of such students who: 1. Receive special education services; 2. Are English language learners; 3. Are eligible for the federal free or reduced price meals program; 4. Reside in temporary housing; and 5. Are enrolled over the counter, disaggregated by various factors Every 1 Year LL 223/2019, LL 59/2015 New York City Administrative Code Title 21-a, Section 957.1 Search
609 Education, Department of (DOE) Annual Student Health Services Report Report on health services provided to students for the preceding school year Every 1 Year LL 12/2016, LL 156/2021 Report on health services provided to students for the preceding school year Search
610 Education, Department of (DOE) Capacity and utilization data Report on use of rooms and spaces in schools for specified purposes. With School Construction Authority Every 1 Year LL 60/2011 New York City Charter Chapter 20, Section 522(g) 2021-11-01 Search
611 Education, Department of (DOE) Career and Technical Education Report Every 1 Year LL 174/2016 New York City Administrative Code Title 21-A, Section 971, expires 5 years after the local law effective date (so December 22, 2021) 2020-06-16 Search
612 Education, Department of (DOE) Class-size Report Quantitative report on class size Every 6 Months LL 125/2005 New York City Charter, Chapter 20, Section 522(c) 2022-02-15 Search
613 Education, Department of (DOE) Co-located Schools report Report on information on all co-located schools for the prior school year including a comparison of demographic information and more Every 1 Year LL 32/2014 Search
614 Education, Department of (DOE) Data on the age and crankcase ventilation retrofit status of every school bus pursuant to a school bus contract Every 1 Year LL 038/2015 New York City Administrative Code Title 24, Section 163.7(i) 2020-06-16 Search
615 Education, Department of (DOE) Door alarms/training on student safety protocols (Avonte's Law) Report regarding training on student safety protocols for department of education personnel. Such report shall include, but need not be limited to: (1) general details on the type and scope of the training administered, (2) the intended audience for each training, and (3) whether such training was mandatory for certain personnel Every 1 Year LL 36/2014 New York City Charter Chapter 20, Section 528(d) 2022-05-30 Search
616 Education, Department of (DOE) Educational materials on drugs and opiates awareness and prevention Educational materials on drugs and opiates awareness and prevention developed by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene LL 125/2018 New York City Administrative Code Title 21-a, Section 969 Search
617 Education, Department of (DOE) Incidents of Harassment in Schools Statistical summary of all incidents of harassment that occurred on school premises or at a school function Every 1 Year New York City Administrative Code Chapter 10, Section 137(d) Search
618 Education, Department of (DOE) Language Access Implementation Plan/Local Law 30 of 2017 Report Every 3 Years LL 30/2017 New York City Administrative Code Title 23 Section 1102(d) Search
619 Education, Department of (DOE) Monthly Report on Remote Learning Attendance Report on student attendance for periods of time during which remote learning was used by the department for the month occurring 2 months prior to the month of the report, including the attendance rate of students who participated in (i) full-time remote learning instruction and (ii) blended learning Every 1 Month LL 10/2021 2021-12-01 Search
620 Education, Department of (DOE) MTA New School Information Report including 1) the name and address of any school under the jurisdiction of the department of education that is to begin its first year of operation in the upcoming school year, the number of students enrolled in any such school, and the zip codes of the students and the percentage of such students in each such zip code attending each respective school; 2) the name and address of any school receiving an increase of 200 or more students enrolled for the upcoming school year, the zip codes of the new students enrolled in any such school, and the percentage of such new students in each such zip code Every 1 Year LL 62/2009 New York City Charter Chapter 20, Section 530(a) Search