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Required Reports

The links provided in this list of Required Report will lead to publications uploaded after mid-June, 2020. There are other agency publications available on the portal which you can access by using the search bar.

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Row Number Agency Name Description Frequency Authorizing Resource (Local Law) Authorizing Resource (Charter and Code) Last Published Date See All Reports
561 District Attorney, Queens County (QCDA) Annual Agency Workforce Pay and Equity Report Report on new full-time and part-time employees, employees promoted, employees terminated, employees leaving the agency, and aggregated data about the employees Every 1 Year LL 27/2023 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(l) 2024-05-21 Search
562 District Attorney, Queens County (QCDA) Annual Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Plan Annual fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by, or who seek employment with, the agency Every 1 Year LL 12/2019 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(a) 2023-06-16 Search
563 District Attorney, Queens County (QCDA) Annual Report on Criminal Prosecutions Report on information for criminal prosecutions during the previous calendar year, including numbers of cases referred and prosecuted, outcomes and more Every 1 Year LL 161/2021 NYC Administrative Code Title 9, Section 402 Search
564 District Attorney, Queens County (QCDA) Quarterly Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Plan Implementation A report on the agency's efforts during the previous quarter to implement the plan adopted pursuant to paragraph 19 (annual plan) of Section 815(a), including details of agency's efforts to implement equal employment practices, including statistical information regarding total employment, including provisional, seasonal, per-diem and part-time employees, new hiring and promotions in a manner which facilitates understanding of an agency's efforts to provide fair and effective equal opportunity employment for minority group members, women and members of other groups who are employed by, or who seek employment with, city agencies. Every 3 Months LL 102/1977, LL 59/1996, LL 12/2019 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(i) 2024-06-26 Search
565 District Attorney, Richmond County (RCDA) Annual Agency Workforce Pay and Equity Report Report on new full-time and part-time employees, employees promoted, employees terminated, employees leaving the agency, and aggregated data about the employees Every 1 Year LL 27/2023 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(l) Search
566 District Attorney, Richmond County (RCDA) Annual Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Plan Annual fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by, or who seek employment with, the agency Every 1 Year LL 12/2019 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(a) Search
567 District Attorney, Richmond County (RCDA) Annual Report on Criminal Prosecutions Report on information for criminal prosecutions during the previous calendar year, including numbers of cases referred and prosecuted, outcomes and more Every 1 Year LL 161/2021 NYC Administrative Code Title 9, Section 402 Search
568 District Attorney, Richmond County (RCDA) Annual Report on Criminal Prosecutions Report on information for criminal prosecutions during the previous calendar year, including numbers of cases referred and prosecuted, outcomes and more (Completed) Every 1 Year LL 161/2021 NYC Administrative Code Title 9, Section 402 Search
569 District Attorney, Richmond County (RCDA) Quarterly Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Plan Implementation A report on the agency's efforts during the previous quarter to implement the plan adopted pursuant to paragraph 19 (annual plan) of Section 815(a), including details of agency's efforts to implement equal employment practices, including statistical information regarding total employment, including provisional, seasonal, per-diem and part-time employees, new hiring and promotions in a manner which facilitates understanding of an agency's efforts to provide fair and effective equal opportunity employment for minority group members, women and members of other groups who are employed by, or who seek employment with, city agencies. Every 3 Months LL 102/1977, LL 59/1996, LL 12/2019 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(i) 2024-05-06 Search
570 Districting Commission Districting Plan Decennial census based districting Every 10 Years New York City Charter Chapter 2, Section 51 Search
571 Economic Development Corporation (EDC) Annual Compliance Report of the Industrial Development Agency in Attempting to Recapture Incentives Report detailing its efforts to provide living wage jobs, indicating whether an agreement with the economic development subsidy recipient mandated the payment of a living wage for any jobs created by the project. If the agreement includes such a mandate, the city or city economic development entity will provide an analysis outlining the number of living wage jobs anticipated to be created beyond those jobs for which a living wage is required pursuant to this section and a description of the applicable penalties if the wage requirement in the agreement is not ultimately fulfilled. If the agreement does not include such a mandate, the city or city economic development entity will explain why such an agreement could not be reached. With Industrial Development Agency (NYCIDA). (Completed) Every 1 Year LL 61/1991, LL 69/1993, LL 24/1994, LL 59/1996, LL 52/2003, LL 48/2005, LL 62/2010, LL 37/2012, LL 102/2013, LL 222/2017 New York City Administrative Code Title 22, Section 823 (previously City Charter Section1301(1)(b-1), which was repealed in December 2017) 2020-06-16 Search
572 Economic Development Corporation (EDC) Annual Investment Projects Report Report for the prior fiscal year about projected and actual jobs created and retained in connection with projects described, including project information, employee and job information, leases and sales information, and affordable retail space information Every 1 Year LL 222/2017, LL 35/2020 New York City Administrative Code Title 22, Section 823 (previously City Charter Section1301(1)(b-1), which was repealed in December 2017) 2024-01-31 Search
573 Economic Development Corporation (EDC) Annual Investment Report of the Industrial Development Agency With Industrial Development Agency (NYCIDA). (Completed) Every 1 Year New York City Charter Chapter 56, Section 1301 2020-06-16 Search
574 Economic Development Corporation (EDC) Annual Report on Compliance with Minority and Women-Owned Business Contracting Goals Report assessing and evaluating each business entity to which it provided assistance in the form of a loan, grant or tax benefit in excess of one hundred fifty thousand dollars, or sale or lease of city-owned land for a project expected, in accordance with information provided by the applicant for the sale or lease, to retain or create not less than twenty-five jobs, to determine whether they met minority and women-owned business goals, if any, pursuant to the contract Every 1 Year LL 109/2016 New York City Charter Chapter 56, Section 1301(1)(b-2) 2023-12-01 Search
575 Economic Development Corporation (EDC) Annual report on covered contract information A report for the prior fiscal year about projected and actual jobs created and retained in connection with projects described by Section 823, including project information and jobs information, information on sales and leases of land, and information on compliance with affordable retail space requirements. Every 2 years in odd years, the report should include a discussion of recommendations for the methodology used in creating the report. (Completed) Every 1 Year LL 62/2010, LL 222/2016, LL 35/2020 New York City Charter Section 1301(1)(repealed December 2017); New York City Administrative Code Title 22, Section 823 2020-06-16 Search
576 Economic Development Corporation (EDC) Description of Certain Projects Receiving Financial Assistance Project description required to be submitted to the speaker where the project receives financial assistance but the project is not required to be submitted for consideration to a Community Board, Borough Board or the City Council LL 222/2017 New York City Administrative Code Title 22, Section 822 2021-06-21 Search
577 Economic Development Corporation (EDC) Fair Wages For New Yorkers Act Upon entering into any agreement to develop property for an economic development project, the city or city economic development entity shall submit to the council a report detailing its efforts to provide living wage jobs Every 1 Year LL 037/2012 New York City Administrative Code Title 6 Section 134(h)(2) 2020-06-16 Search
578 Economic Development Corporation (EDC) Impact statement on covered contract additional information, for assistance under Administrative Code Title 22, Section 823 An impact statement including, at a minimum, an estimate of the fiscal impact of such assistance upon the revenues and expenditures of the city during (i) the fiscal year in which such assistance commences, (ii) the succeeding fiscal year, and (iii) the first fiscal year in which the full fiscal impact of the economic development project is expected to occur, and job creation estimates for the first fiscal year in which the full fiscal impact of the economic development project is expected to occur LL 220/2017 New York City Administrative Code Title 22, Section 824(a)(1) 2020-11-13 Search
579 Economic Development Corporation (EDC) Quarterly Expenditure Reports Any public or private agency, authority, corporation, board or commission that receives which receives city funds and is not otherwise subject to section 106 of this chapter should file quarterly expenditure reports. (Report from Jan 2021) Every 3 Months New York City Charter Chapter 6, Section 119 2020-06-16 Search
580 Economic Development Corporation (EDC) Quarterly Expenditure Reports Any public or private agency, authority, corporation, board or commission that receives which receives city funds and is not otherwise subject to section 106 of this chapter should file quarterly expenditure reports (Report from Jan 2021) Every 3 Months New York City Charter Chapter 6, Section 119 2020-06-16 Search