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Required Reports

The links provided in this list of Required Report will lead to publications uploaded after mid-June, 2020. There are other agency publications available on the portal which you can access by using the search bar.

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Row Number Agency Name Description Frequency Authorizing Resource (Local Law) Authorizing Resource (Charter and Code) Last Published Date See All Reports
361 Comptroller (COMP) Summary report, franchises, concessions, and contracts Summary report with information from data base listed in subdivision a of 6-116.2 and information for each franchise, concession or contract for goods or services having a value of more than ten thousand dollars or in the case of construction, having a value of more than fifteen thousand dollars. Includes the annual reporting on labor peace agreements. Every 1 Year LL 87/2021 New York City Administrative Code Title 6, Section 116.2(f), New York Administrative Code Title 6, Section 145(d)(4) 2023-01-30 Search
362 Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) Annual Agency Workforce Pay and Equity Report Report on new full-time and part-time employees, employees promoted, employees terminated, employees leaving the agency, and aggregated data about the employees Every 1 Year LL 27/2023 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(l) Search
363 Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) Annual Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Plan Annual fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by, or who seek employment with, the agency Every 1 Year LL 12/2019 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(a) 2023-10-26 Search
364 Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) Conflicts of Interest Board Annual Report The report shall include a summary of the proceedings and activities of the board, a description of the education and training conducted pursuant to the requirements of this chapter, a statistical summary and evaluation of complaints and referrals received and their disposition, such legislative and administrative recommendations as the board deems appropriate, the rules of the board, and the index of opinions and orders of that year and shall include whether advisory opinion issues have interpretive value and either (a) establishes a test, standard or criterion; or (b) the board anticipates will be the subject of future advisory opinion requests from multiple persons Every 1 Year LL 178/2018, LL 95/1989 New York City Charter Chapter 68, Section 2603(i) 2024-06-04 Search
365 Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) Language Access Implementation Plan/Local Law 30 of 2017 Report Every 3 Years LL 30/2017 New York City Administrative Code Title 23 Section 1102(d) Search
366 Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) Quarterly Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Plan Implementation A report on the agency's efforts during the previous quarter to implement the plan adopted pursuant to paragraph nineteen (annual plan) of Section 815(a),including details of agency's efforts to implement equal employment practices, including statistical information regarding total employment, including provisional, seasonal, per-diem and part-time employees, new hiring and promotions in a manner which facilitates understanding of an agency's efforts to provide fair and effective equal opportunity employment for minority group members, women and members of other groups who are employed by, or who seek employment with, city agencies. (Required report from Jan 2020 - July 2020) Every 3 Months LL 102/1977, LL 59/1996, LL 12/2019 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(i) 2020-02-03 Search
367 Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) Quarterly Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Plan Implementation A report on the agency's efforts during the previous quarter to implement the plan adopted pursuant to paragraph 19 (annual plan) of Section 815(a), including details of agency's efforts to implement equal employment practices, including statistical information regarding total employment, including provisional, seasonal, per-diem and part-time employees, new hiring and promotions in a manner which facilitates understanding of an agency's efforts to provide fair and effective equal opportunity employment for minority group members, women and members of other groups who are employed by, or who seek employment with, city agencies. Every 3 Months LL 102/1977, LL 59/1996, LL 12/2019 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(i) 2024-04-30 Search
368 Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) Recommendations of the Conflicts of Interest Board Every 5 Years LL 95/1989 2020-06-16 Search
369 Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) Report on Agency Policies on Identifying Information Report regarding the collection, retention, and disclosure of identifying information by such agency and any contractors or subcontractors utilized by such agency Every 2 Years LL 245/2017 New York City Administrative Code Title 23, Section 1205 2022-08-24 Search
370 Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) Report on Failures to File Lists of all candidates for public office for the elected positions set forth in this section, and from lists, shall determine and publish lists of those candidates who have not, within ten days after the required date for filing such reports , filed the reports required by this section New York City Administrative Code Title 12, Section 110 Search
371 Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) Report on legal defense trusts Report on information disclosed to the COIB under this section. (Completed) Every 3 Months LL 48/2019 New York City Administrative Code Title 3, Section 1103 Search
372 Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) Report on Legal Defense Trusts Report on information disclosed to the COIB under this section LL 48/2019 New York City Administrative Code Title 3, Section 1103 Search
373 Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) Report on Open Data Compliance Direct to Mayor's Office of Data Analytics (MODA) to be compiled: Report on which public data set or sets that it is unable to make available, the reasons why it cannot do so and the date by which the agency expects that such public data set or sets will be available on the single web portal (Completed) LL 11/2012 New York City Administrative Code Title 23, Section 502(a) Search
374 Consumer and Worker Protection, Department of (DCWP) Annual Agency Workforce Pay and Equity Report Report on new full-time and part-time employees, employees promoted, employees terminated, employees leaving the agency, and aggregated data about the employees Every 1 Year LL 27/2023 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(l) Search
375 Consumer and Worker Protection, Department of (DCWP) Annual Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Plan Annual fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by, or who seek employment with, the agency Every 1 Year LL 12/2019 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(a) 2024-03-06 Search
376 Consumer and Worker Protection, Department of (DCWP) Annual Permitting and Licensing Report Reports on licenses, permits and registrations, including those granted, those denied on the basis of unpaid civil penalties, and total numbers applied for, suspended, terminated or revoked Every 1 Year LL 47/2016 New York City Charter, Chapter 45-A, Section 1049 - b(e) 2022-10-06 Search
377 Consumer and Worker Protection, Department of (DCWP) Annual Report on Earned Safe and Sick Time Act Complaints Report on the number and nature of the complaints received pursuant to this chapter, the results of investigations undertaken pursuant to this chapter, including the number of complaints not substantiated and the number of notices of violations issued, the number and nature of adjudications pursuant to this chapter, and the average time for a complaint to be resolved pursuant to Chapter 20 (Earned Safe and Sick Time Act)(Completed) Every 1 Year LL 97/2020 New York City Administrative Code Title 20, Section 924(f) Search
378 Consumer and Worker Protection, Department of (DCWP) Annual Report on Enforcement of Mass Transit Benefit Program Report by the Office of Labor Standards regarding enforcement of Chapter 9 of Title 20 (Mass Transit Benefits) including numbers of claims filed and investigation conducted, and the results of enforcement actions. (Completed) Every 1 Year LL 104/2015, LL 80/2020 New York City Administrative Code Title 3, Section 140 Search
379 Consumer and Worker Protection, Department of (DCWP) Annual Report on Fair Work Practices Report on number of complaints received, results of investigations, nature and number of administrative adjudications, number of complaints resolved through mediation or conciliation, and average time for complaint to be resolved, as well as civil actions commenced by corporation counsel. (Completed) Every 1 Year LL 107/2017 New York City Administrative Code Title 20, Section 1203 Search
380 Consumer and Worker Protection, Department of (DCWP) Annual Report on Paid Care Industry Report including a. The results of the research conducted as required by subdivision c of section 32-202; b. The number of complaints received by the systems, the types of information provided and the number of referrals made pursuant to subdivision a of section 32-203; c. The results of the findings made pursuant to subdivision b of section 32-203 regarding any systemic legal allegations; d. Any recommendations for assisting the paid care workforce and any recommendations for model industry standards made by the working group pursuant to subdivision e of section 32-202; e. Education and outreach efforts made by the division; and f. Any other information the division deems appropriate. Office of Labor Policy & Standards, Division of Paid Care. (Required Reports from May 2020 to Nov 2020) Every 1 Year LL 98/2016 New York City Administrative Code Title 32, Chapter 2, Section 204 2020-05-01 Search