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Required Reports

The links provided in this list of Required Report will lead to publications uploaded after mid-June, 2020. There are other agency publications available on the portal which you can access by using the search bar.

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Row Number Agency Name Description Frequency Authorizing Resource (Local Law) Authorizing Resource (Charter and Code) Last Published Date See All Reports
321 Climate and Environmental Justice, Mayor's Office of (MOCEJ) Report on Implementation of the Clean Waterfront Plan Report on complaints received concerning waterfront dumping, littering and improper handling and storage on the waterfront, summonses and notices of violation issued, amount of civil penalties imposed, changes made to the clean waterfront plan, summary of rules promulgated, and recommendations for improvements with respect to the clean waterfront plan Every 2 Years LL 55/2011 New York City Administrative Code Title 3, Section 121(d)(1) Search
322 Climate and Environmental Justice, Mayor's Office of (MOCEJ) Report on Implementation of the Environmental Justice Plan Report on progress in implementing the environmental justice plan Every 1 Year LL 64/2017 New York City Administrative Code Title 3, Section 1003(b)(4) Search
323 Climate and Environmental Justice, Mayor's Office of (MOCEJ) Report on the City's Long-Term Planning and Sustainability Efforts Annual Progress Report on the City's Long-Term Planning and Sustainability Efforts, PlaNYC/OneNYC. The report shall include, at a minimum the city's progress made to implement or undertake policies, programs and actions included in the sustainability plan or updated sustainability plan. It will also include any revisions to policies, programs or actions in the previous long-term sustainability plan, including the reason for such revision. Every 1 Year LL 17/2008 New York City Charter, Chapter 1, Section 20(f) 2024-04-22 Search
324 Climate and Environmental Justice, Mayor's Office of (MOCEJ) Report on Urban Agriculture Report on issues relating to urban agriculture, including policies and support, classification and prioritization, opportunities, integration into conservation and resiliency plans and youth development and education opportunities Every 5 Years LL 121/2021 New York City Charter, Chapter 1, Section 20-a (c)(5) Search
325 Commission on Gender Equity (CGE) Annual Report A report on its activities for the last 12 months, its goals and its recommendations for preventing and improving responses by agencies to sex- and gender-based discrimination and harassment, including, but not limited to, discrimination and harassment prohibited by section 1681 of title 20 of the United States code, or title ix of the education amendments of 1972 Every 1 Year LL 45/2020, LL 67/2016 New York City Charter Chapter 1, Section 20-b(d) 2024-03-08 Search
326 Commission on Gender Equity (CGE) Annual Report A report on its activities for the last 12 months, its goals and its recommendations (Report from April 2020) Every 1 Year LL 67/2016 New York City Charter Chapter 1, Section 20-b(d) Search
327 Commission on Gender Equity (CGE) Report on the Marshall Plan for Moms Task Force Recommendations of the task force and the basis on which they rest Once LL 99/2022 Search
328 Commission on Racial Equity (CORE) Community racial equity priorities Proposed community equity priorities considering local communities' needs and priorities and published disparity indicator data, and proposed metrics based on outcomes most pertinent to communities Every 2 Years LL 121/2022 New York City Charter Chapter 78, Section 3403(d)(1) Search
329 Commission on Racial Equity (CORE) Evaluation of Citywide Racial Equity Plan The Commission's evaluation of the citywide racial equity plan Every 2 Years LL 121/2022 New York City Charter Chapter 78, Section 3403(d)(5) Search
330 Commission on Racial Equity (CORE) Reply to Preliminary Racial Equity Plan The Commission's reply to the Mayor's Preliminary Racial Equity Plan Every 2 Years LL 121/2022 New York City Charter Chapter 78, Section 3403(d)(3) Search
331 Commission to Combat Police Corruption (CCPC) Annual Report Annual Report to the Mayor which shall contain a thorough evaluation of the effectiveness of the Police Department's systems for preventing, detecting and investigating corruption Every 1 Year Mayor's Executive Order no. 18, 1995 2019-12-16 Search
332 Commission to Combat Police Corruption (CCPC) Periodic Reports Reports on activities, including the progress of audits, studies and analyses prepared pursuant to this order Mayor's Executive Order no. 18, 1995 Search
333 Community Affairs Unit (CAU) Annual Report Report on plans to enhance quality of life. With Neighborhood Support Team Every 1 Year LL 102/2016 NYC Administrative Code Title 10, Section 175(b) 2023-02-23 Search
334 Community Boards Annual Report Render an annual report to the mayor, the council and the borough board within three months of the end of each year and such other reports to the mayor and the borough board as they shall require Every 1 Year New York City Charter Chapter 70, Subsection 6 2022-07-29 Search
335 Community Mental Health, Mayor's Office of (OCMH) Annual Report Report identifying critical gaps in mental health care that are preventing New Yorkers with mental health needs from accessing and staying connected to care Every 1 Year LL 155/2021 New York City Charter Chapter 1, Subsection 20-m(g) 2024-02-01 Search
336 Comptroller (COMP) Annual Agency Workforce Pay and Equity Report Report on new full-time and part-time employees, employees promoted, employees terminated, employees leaving the agency, and aggregated data about the employees Every 1 Year LL 27/2023 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(l) Search
337 Comptroller (COMP) Annual Claims Report Report evaluating trends in tort and non-tort claims. (Reports from Oct 2019 - Jun 2020) Every 1 Year New York City Charter Chapter 5, Section 93(i) 2020-06-01 Search
338 Comptroller (COMP) Annual Claims Report Annual report evaluating trends in tort and non-tort claims Every 1 Year New York City Charter Chapter 5, Section 93(i) 2024-04-16 Search
339 Comptroller (COMP) Annual Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Plan Annual fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by, or who seek employment with, the agency. (Completed) Every 1 Year LL 12/2019 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(a) Search
340 Comptroller (COMP) Annual Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Plan Annual fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by, or who seek employment with, the agency Every 1 Year LL 12/2019 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(a) 2024-01-02 Search