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Required Reports

The links provided in this list of Required Report will lead to publications uploaded after mid-June, 2020. There are other agency publications available on the portal which you can access by using the search bar.

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Row Number Agency Name Description Frequency Authorizing Resource (Local Law) Authorizing Resource (Charter and Code) Last Published Date See All Reports
201 Children's Services, Administration for (ACS) Quarterly Report on Length of Stay of Children and Youth in ACS Facilities Report on length of stay, including the number of children or youth residing in each facility and the number of such children or youth who were placed in such facility for the first time Every 3 Months LL 50/2023 New York City Administrative Code Title 21, Section 923(b) 2024-06-28 Search
202 Children's Services, Administration for (ACS) Quarterly Report on Preventive Services Report on use of ACS preventive services Every 3 Months LL 11/2018 New York City Administrative Code Title 21, Section 917 2024-04-30 Search
203 Children's Services, Administration for (ACS) Quarterly Report on Psychiatric Medication in Youth in Foster Care Report on youth in foster care prescribed psychiatric medication, including number and percentage of youth, classes of medications, multiple prescriptions, overrides of parental consent requested and approved Every 3 Months LL 34/2022 New York Administrative Code Title 21, Section 920(b) 2024-04-30 Search
204 Children's Services, Administration for (ACS) Quarterly Report Regarding Child Welfare System Report regarding New York City's child welfare system including child protective services and family reunification. See entry for details.(Reports from 2020) Every 3 Months LL 20/2006 New York City Administrative Code Title 21, Section 902 2020-10-30 Search
205 Children's Services, Administration for (ACS) Quarterly Report Regarding Child Welfare System Report regarding New York City's child welfare system including child protective services, and family reunification, contact between a foster care youth and such youth’s parent or caretaker, and emergency removal cases. Every 3 Months LL 20/2006, LL 131/2021, LL 133/2021, LL 134/2021 New York City Administrative Code Title 21, Section 902 2024-04-30 Search
206 Children's Services, Administration for (ACS) Quarterly Report Regarding Child Welfare System Report regarding New York City's child welfare system including child protective services and family reunification. (Reports from 2020) Every 3 Months LL 20/2006 New York City Administrative Code Title 21, Section 902 Search
207 Children's Services, Administration for (ACS) Report on Agency Policies on Identifying Information Report regarding the collection, retention, and disclosure of identifying information by such agency and any contractors or subcontractors utilized by such agency Every 2 Years LL 245/2017 New York City Administrative Code Title 23, Section 1205 2020-07-31 Search
208 Children's Services, Administration for (ACS) Report on Gender, Racial and Income Equity Plan Report on Efforts to Implement Equity Action Plan (Report from Sept 2019) Every 2 Years LL 174/2017 New York City Administrative Code Title 3, Section 160(d) Search
209 Children's Services, Administration for (ACS) Report on Gender, Racial and Income Equity Plan Report on efforts to implement Equity Action Plan Every 2 Years LL 174/2017 New York City Administrative Code Title 3, Section 160(d) 2021-09-02 Search
210 Children's Services, Administration for (ACS) Report on Open Data Compliance Direct to Mayor's Office of Data Analytics (MODA) to be compiled: Report on which public data set or sets that it is unable to make available, the reasons why it cannot do so and the date by which the agency expects that such public data set or sets will be available on the single web portal (Completed) LL 11/2012 New York City Administrative Code Title 23, Section 502(a) Search
211 Children's Services, Administration for (ACS) Report on Preventive Services Report on use of ACS preventive services. (Required Reports from Jul 2018 to Jan 2021) Every 3 Months LL 11/2018 New York City Administrative Code Title 21, Section 917 2020-01-29 Search
212 Children's Services, Administration for (ACS) Report on Preventive Services Surveys Report on aggregated data from surveys and any steps ACS had taken in response. (Required report from Dec 2019 - July 2020) Every 1 Year LL 17/2018 New York City Administrative Code Title 21, Section 914(d) Search
213 Children's Services, Administration for (ACS) Report on Survey on Child Protective Services Caseloads and Workloads Report on findings and recommendations Once LL 18/2018 New York City Administrative Code Title 21, Section 902.2 2019-12-02 Search
214 Children's Services, Administration for (ACS) Revised Five Year Plan to Address Barriers to Permanency for Youth in Foster Care Following the 5 years of analysis, a new five-year plan to address barriers to permanency for the next succeeding five-year period not later than six months prior to the last day of such 5th year. The previous five-year report shall remain on ACS's website when the new report is added. Every 5 Years LL 143/2016 New York City Administrative Code Title 21, Section 909(d) (deemed repealed in 2031) 2023-05-15 Search
215 Children's Services, Administration for (ACS) Study on Feasibility of Providing Language Classes to Children in Foster Care (Completed) Once LL 37/2018 New York City Administrative Code Title 21, Section 918 Search
216 City Clerk, Office of the (CLERK) Annual Agency Workforce Pay and Equity Report Report on new full-time and part-time employees, employees promoted, employees terminated, employees leaving the agency, and aggregated data about the employees Every 1 Year LL 27/2023 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(l) Search
217 City Clerk, Office of the (CLERK) Annual Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Plan Annual fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by, or who seek employment with, the agency Every 1 Year LL 12/2019 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(a) Search
218 City Clerk, Office of the (CLERK) Lobbying Regulation Administrative, relating to the administration and enforcement of the provisions under the lobbying sub -section of the city Codes Every 1 Year New York City Administrative Code, Title 3, Section 212 2020-06-16 Search
219 City Clerk, Office of the (CLERK) Proceedings of Council A brief report including: resolutions, local laws introduced or passed, recommendations of committees, all final proceedings and full copies of all messages from the mayor and all reports of city agencies. Due immediately after end of each meeting New York City Administrative Code Title 3, Section 206 2023-06-22 Search
220 City Clerk, Office of the (CLERK) Quarterly Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Plan Implementation A report on the agency's efforts during the previous quarter to implement the plan adopted pursuant to paragraph nineteen (annual plan) of Section 815(a),including details of agency's efforts to implement equal employment practices, including statistical information regarding total employment, including provisional, seasonal, per-diem and part-time employees, new hiring and promotions in a manner which facilitates understanding of an agency's efforts to provide fair and effective equal opportunity employment for minority group members, women and members of other groups who are employed by, or who seek employment with, city agencies. Every 3 Months LL 102/1977, LL 59/1996, LL 12/2019 New York City Charter Chapter 35, Section 815(i) Search