Mayor Bill de Blasio and the City’s Security Infrastructure Working Group announced plans to bring permanent perimeter barriers, or bollards, to high-profile sites and to create a process to streamline their design and construction.
DEP's strategy to reduce phosphorous discharges to East of Hudson water bodies within the Croton watershed is to continue emphasis on responsible maintenance protocol at our facilities and lands, as well as respond to, provide and oversee cleanup activities, and investigate any illicit discharges
Local Law 48 of 2015 requires all catch basins within the New York City Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP) jurisdiction to be inspected annually and unclogged or repaired within nine days of inspection or receipt of a complaint.
Report on the condition of all bridges and tunnels operated and maintained by DOT and all capital and revenue budget funds appropriated for rehabilitation and maintenance of such bridges and tunnels.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
This 2016 Annual Report provides updates on the New York City Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Green Infrastructure Program (the “Program”).
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYC DEP) has been tasked through its State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit requirements to implement and maintain a floatables control program as well as a monitoring program