Local law 12 of 2019 requires agencies to prepare quarterly reports describing efforts to implement their Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Equal Employment Opportunity Plan.
In accordance with the CSO Order on Consent, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection submits quarterly reports on its actions toward complying with the Order's milestones. See: DEC Case No. CO2-20110512-25, modification to DEC Case No. CO2-20000107-8.
In accordance with the CSO Order on Consent, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection submits quarterly reports on its actions toward complying with the Order's milestones. See: DEC Case No. CO2-20110512-25, modification to DEC Case No. CO2-20000107-8.
As an enhancement and modification of the two-year cycle of surveying the City’s coastal waters under the Shoreline Survey Program, a Sentinel Monitoring Program was designed, with NYSDEC, to monitor specific sampling areas for fecal coliform (a raw sewage indicator) in water bodies throughout NYC.
The Demand Management Program is critical towards reducing water consumption and improving water efficiency across New York City. This report will take a deeper dive into the holistic nature of One Water and highlight example projects that encompasses its core values.
The NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has a longstanding commitment to managing stormwater. This is a brief progress report on this ongoing work.
Each year, the City prepares an MS4 annual report to inform NYSDEC and the public of the City’s progress in implementing the Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) and the status of compliance with the Municipal Separate Sewer Systems (MS4) permit.
In accordance with Section VIII of the State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permits for the 14 New York City municipal wastewater treatment plants the New York City Department of Environmental Protection reports annually on its ongoing program related to the Best Management Practices