As a condition of the funds in unit of appropriation number 010 and 011: report detailing the number of registrants placed in jobs, ZIP Codes in which registrants placed in jobs reside, job category/classification of job placements, industry of job placement and average hourly wage at placement
A report on the agency's efforts to implement the plan, including details of agency's efforts to ensure equal employment practices. Includes, but not limited to statistical information regarding total employment & efforts to provide fair and effective equal opportunity employment.
Local Law 1 provides that each mayoral agency which has made eligible procurements in excess of five million dollars during the preceding fiscal year is required to develop and submit an Agency Utilization Plan outlining its plan for M/WBE utilization.
Summary of the impact of services provided by WCBDI to worker cooperatives in the previous three fiscal years. The report outlines the obstacles that worker cooperatives encounter when competing for City contracts and recommends measures to lessen the effects of such obstacles.
Outlines the worker cooperatives served by WCBDI in its fifth year and describes the support this administration has extended to worker cooperatives in New York City