This report is the Department of City Planning 1 Quarter DEEO Report, which includes the EEO and D&I initiatives that were implemented in quarter 1 based on FY 2022 EEO Plan
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
A report on the OLR's efforts during the previous quarter to implement the agency's annual diversity and EEO plan, including details of agency’s efforts to implement
equal employment practices, statistical information on total employment, new hiring and promotions. Includes DEEO Training Summary.
A report on the agency's efforts during the previous quarter to implement the plan adopted pursuant to paragraph 19 (annual plan) of Section 815(a), including details of agency's efforts to implement equal employment practices and statistical data.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.