If you work in NYC, you have rights regardless of immigration status, national origin, or country of origin.
In addition to the languages checked off, it's also available in Nepali, Tagalog, Thai, Tibetan, Vietnamese, and Punjabi.
This Ready New York storybook for students leads young readers through a series of actions and allows them to pick what they would do to prepare for and respond to an emergency.
This Ready New York workbook will help New Yorkers, especially those with disabilities and access and functional needs, create an emergency plan. It guides users through establishing a support network, capturing vital health information, evacuation planning and gathering emergency supplies.
This guide offers general tips on how to prepare for any emergency, instructions on how to develop a hurricane disaster plan and secure your home before a storm and a map of New York City hurricane evacuation zones.
Salary History Law Factsheet for Job Applicants to know their rights as it relates to the ban on employers being able to use salary history to make employment decisions