Report assessing and evaluating each business entity to which it provided assistance in excess of $150,000, or sale or lease of city-owned land for a project expected to retain or create not less than 25 jobs, to determine whether they met MWBE business goals, if any, pursuant to the contract.
Final Agency Report describing in detail the legal requirements and framework for redistricting, the process of establishing the Districting Commission, and the methods and process for drawing the new 51 NYC City Council districts.
Presents information on capital appropriations and commitments with implementation schedules projected, and the ensuring three years for all active capital budget projects.
Presents information on capital appropriations and commitments with implementation schedules projected, and the ensuring three years for all active capital budget projects.
Presents information on capital appropriations and commitments with implementation schedules projected, and the ensuring three years for all active capital budget projects.
Presents information on capital appropriations and commitments with implementation schedules projected, and the ensuring three years for all active capital budget projects.
In accordance with the requirements of the New York State Municipal Assistance Corporation Act and the New York State Financial Emergency Act, the City of New York is required to submit monthly financial reports.
The Public Design Commission meets once a month. The meeting agendas are posted online three business days in advance of each meeting and published in the City Record. Agendas are also distributed to all City Council members, Community Boards, and City agency liaisons.