This quarterly report provides an update on NYCO's diversity and EEO activities such as workforce planning, recruitment efforts, community initiatives, etc.
This Report presents information intended for use by the City of New York for accounting and financial reporting under Governmental Accounting Standards
Board (GASB) Statement No. 68 and No. 67.This Report also presents information intended for use by each NYCRS for accounting/ financial reporting.
This Report presents the results of the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2020 Annual Valuation of the
Other Postemployment Benefits (OPEB) provided under the New York City Health Benefits
Program (Program).
This is a quarterly report of the EEO and Diversity activities of the NYCOA describing our employment practicies, outreach activities, and internal programs.
The Identifying Information Law requires City agencies to submit comprehensive biennial reports related to their collection, disclosure, and retention of identifying information and their privacy protection practices. This is NYCOA's plan with respect to this City law describing our practices.
This is the 4th Quarter, year-end report, of NYCOA's efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within its office and operations and its training efforts and projects designed to forward this agency-wide goal.
This report contains the plans and achievements regarding EEO, Diversity, and Inclusion at the NYCOA for Fiscal Year 2020 such as training, recruitment, and retention.