The City Charter requires that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) publish documentation of forecasting methodologies used for projecting tax revenues for those taxes which account for five percent or more of total City tax revenues.
In compliance with Local Law 118 of 2005, the City conducts a survey once every four years of construction vendors purchasing EPP products. Agencies request purchasing data from vendors with relevant open construction contracts not subject to the more comprehensive Local Law 86 of 2005.
Certain City programs are funded by reductions in tax liability and are referred to as “tax expenditures.” This report identifies and describes tax expenditure programs related to taxes administered by the City
and provides tax expenditure estimates based on available data.
Overall report on market values by tax class and borough, exemptions, assessed values, home sales, tax delinquency, market values, real property, school tax rates, etc.
On or before May 1 of each year, The Department of Finance is required to submit an annual report to the New York City Council no later than May 1 detailing the activities of OTA during the preceding year
This report specifies all facilities managed by the Department with accessible features. Also listed in the report are projects (a) designed in 2016 to comply with the 2010 standards for accessible design, (b) which completed construction in 2016 which comply with the 2010 standards.
Curbside and Containerized collection routes serve individual districts; trucks on these routes pass over scales each day which transmit tonnage data into DSNY's centralized computer system. For this reason, monthly statistics, by Community Districts, can be tracked and reported.
This report is submitted pursuant to N.Y.C. Ad. Code § 20-706.2 as added by Local Law 68 of 2015. It reflects the number and location of events held in the previous year.
The FY17 Business Improvement District Trends Report contains information intended to illustrate basic comparisons between BIDs and groups of BIDs in NYC, using data for FY17 (July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017).
The Commission has, since its inception, and in accordance with its Executive Order, released annual reports detailing its activities for each past year.
Pursuant to Local Law 115 of 2017 this report describes mental health services for individuals in shelters. This report should be viewed against the backdrop of the many services HRA and DHS provide to address social and structural determinants of health and homelessness.
This Report presents the results of the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2017 Annual Valuation of the
Other Postemployment Benefits (OPEB) provided under the New York City Health Benefits
Program (Program).
In compliance with Local Law 44 of 2013 passed by the New York City Council, ACS produces quarterly and annual incident reports on Close to Home (Non-Secure Placement and Limited Secure Placement.).
In compliance with Local Law 44 of 2013 passed by the New York City Council, ACS produces annual report on child abuse allegations in Detention and Close to Home (Non-Secure Placement and Limited Secure Placement).
This Report presents information, intended for use by the City of New York for accounting
and financial reporting under Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 68.
In compliance with Local Law 44 of 2013 passed by the New York City Council, the Administration for Children's Services produces and posts on its webpage reports annually on incidents involving the youth detention population.
The ombudspersons provide data regarding their work at the end of each fiscal year and make annual recommendations to the commissioner of DOF regarding Rent Freeze Program operations
DOF must provide by November 1st of each year a publicly available report on outstanding
judgment debt resulting from notices of violation issued by various City agencies and returnable
to the Environmental Control Board and subsequently referred for collection during the previous
fiscal year.
A report on the outstanding debt for base penalties, default penalties, and default judgments issued for notices of violations returnable to the Environmental Control Board (ECB). As mandated by Intro 489-B (2015) and Local Law 11 of 2015.
This report describes the results of the 2017 NYC Youth Count which is part of the City's unsheltered Point-in-Time count. The report summarizes the number of youth who completed the survey, as well as information about their demographics and housing situations.
Even while the U.S. and City economies continue to post solid growth as the current expansion approaches its 9th year, the warning signs for the City budget are multiplying.
This is the first annual report issued under the name of the Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity, created in May 2017 with the merger of two previously distinct units, the Center for Economic Opportunity and HHS-Connect.
Annual report containing fire investigation analysis conducted by the FDNY Bureau of Fire Investigation, including: Fire cause analysis; civilian fire fatalities; civilian fire injuries; arrest report.
The Comptroller’s Office is charged with a number of New York City Charter (“Charter”) mandated responsibilities intended to safeguard the City’s financial health and root out waste, fraud and abuse in local government, including contract registration.
The Interagency Coordinating Council on Youth (ICC) Annual Report for 2017 highlights the initiatives and activities of members to enhance services for youth, families and the communities of NYC
The City Charter requires that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) publish documentation of forecasting methodologies used for projecting tax revenues for those taxes which account for five percent or more of total City tax revenues.
In FY 2017, the City paid out $84.5 million to continue to clear the backlog of high
exposure legacy cases that have been in litigation for a decade or more. This $84.5 million dollar
figure constitutes 13 percent of total tort payouts in FY 2017 of $675.6 million.
TLC is required to provide MOIA an annual report of language access policies, procedures, concerns, and next steps. This report outlines language access at TLC for the calendar year 2017.
This report provides an analysis of what the City’s Paid Care Division has learned, model standards for paid care jobs, an overview of its accomplishments, and a roadmap for action it plans to take in the years to come as the Paid Care Division concludes its first year.
This report provides an analysis of what the City’s Paid Care Division has learned, model standards for paid care jobs, an overview of its accomplishments, and a roadmap for action it plans to take in the years to come as the Paid Care Division concludes its first year.
Fourth annual report for DOI’s Inspector General for the New York City Police Department (“NYPD”), discussing the investigations
and recommendations made in Calendar Year 2017 and updating the status of recommendations issued previously that
have not been fully adopted by NYPD.
This report summarizes key findings from the Office’s work implementing the Freelance Isn’t Free Act in its first year. This law gives freelance workers the legal right to written contracts, timely payment, and freedom from retaliation.
Annual Report on Business Education Events Fiscal Year 2019, covering 6/30/2017 – 6/29/2018.
This report is submitted pursuant to N.Y.C. Ad. Code § 20-706.2 as added by Local Law 68 of 2015.
Report on revenues received by the City from each franchise DOT grants (bus stop shelters, public toilets, trash receptacles, multi rack news racks, info/comp kiosks) and the locations of each structure installed or removed during the preceding calendar year.
NYC Law Department 2017 Annual Report describes some of the New York City major issues and matters, such as immigration, education, judicial election reform and environmental policy, that were handled by the various Law Department divisions and support units in 2017.
Report on the Hotel Room Occupancy Tax that must be paid on the occupancy, or the right of occupancy, of a room/s in a hotel. The occupant of any room or rooms in a hotel must pay the tax. The hotel room occupancy tax year starts on March 1 and ends on the last day of February of the following year.
The Public Design Commission’s 2017 annual report provides data on the PDC’s review of submissions as required by Local Law 17 of 2017. The report gives an overview of our collaborative interagency initiatives to streamline design review and improve the City’s public spaces for all New Yorkers.
The Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) submitted the revised 2010 - 2017 benchmarking results for City government buildings to the Department of Finance (DOF) for publication on September 1, 2018 in compliance with Local Law 84 of 2009.
TRS' Annual Comprehensive Financial Report is part of the City's overall financial reporting and presents TRS' financial position and the results of TRS operations.
The New York City mortgage recording tax (MRT) is an excise tax imposed on the recording of a
mortgage on real property located in New York City, and is payable when the mortgage is recorded at
the City Register’s Office or, for properties located in Staten Island, Richmond County
Pursuant to Local Law 114 of 2017 this report describes medical health services for individuals in shelters. This report should be viewed against the backdrop of the many services HRA and DHS provide to address social and structural determinants of health and homelessness. Report revised 9/2019.
Market value grew in FY 2017, for the sixth straight year. The total City-wide market
value of fully and partially taxable property exceeded one trillion dollars and was about
9.8 percent higher than FY 2016. Market value increased in all of the boroughs:
Summary of the impact of services provided by WCBDI to worker cooperatives in the previous three fiscal years. The report outlines the obstacles that worker cooperatives encounter when competing for City contracts and recommends measures to lessen the effects of such obstacles.
MMR indicates that may be eligible for publication on the Open Data Portal. DDC will identify and release everything considered public data, the total number of projects for which design was completed, during the reporting period and each reporting category.
In compliance with Local Law 143 of 2016, ACS submits an annual update about the five-year Foster Care Strategic Blueprint to the New York City Council
This report presents statistical information for Tax Year 2017 for three New York City business income taxes: The Business Corporation Tax (COR), the General Corporation Tax (GCT), and the Unincorporated Business Tax (UBT).
This report provides a statistical overview of the 673 domestic violence homicide incidents involving 721 victims that occurred in New York City from 2010 through 2020.