Summary of the impact of services provided by WCBDI to worker cooperatives in the previous three fiscal years. The report outlines the obstacles that worker cooperatives encounter when competing for City contracts and recommends measures to lessen the effects of such obstacles.
Even while the U.S. and City economies continue to post solid growth as the current expansion approaches its 9th year, the warning signs for the City budget are multiplying.
The City Charter requires that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) publish documentation of forecasting methodologies used for projecting tax revenues for those taxes which account for five percent or more of total City tax revenues.
The City Charter requires that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) publish documentation of forecasting methodologies used for projecting tax revenues for those taxes which account for five percent or more of total City tax revenues.
TRS' Annual Comprehensive Financial Report is part of the City's overall financial reporting and presents TRS' financial position and the results of TRS operations.
This report presents statistical information for Tax Year 2017 for three New York City business income taxes: The Business Corporation Tax (COR), the General Corporation Tax (GCT), and the Unincorporated Business Tax (UBT).