Annual report containing fire investigation analysis conducted by the FDNY Bureau of Fire Investigation, including: Fire cause analysis; civilian fire fatalities; civilian fire injuries; arrest report.
APPLICANT - Bryan Cave LLP, for ESS PRISA LLC, owner; OTR 330 Bruckner LLC, lessee. App Feb 13, 2013 - Appeal challenging Dept of Buildings' determination that existing sign is not entitled to non-conforming use status. M3-1 zoning district. 330 Bruckner Boulevard, Block 2599, Lot 165, COMM BD #1BX
The amount the city budgets each year for snow removal is set by a formula in the City Charter. The formula is the average of spending on snow removal in the five prior years—so the budget for 2014 is based on the actual amounts spent in fiscal years 2008–2012.