Since 2009 DCAS has worked with 28 agencies to benchmark almost 3.000 buildings. Benchmarking measures the total electricity, natural gas, steam and fuel ol consumed in a building.
Market value growth declined in FY 2010—the first decline since 1995. The total Citywide market value of fully and partially taxable property fell to $795.7 billion, about 1.9
percent lower than FY 2009. Manhattan market value growth remained positive in FY 2010
New York City provides a variety of programs to further social and economic objectives by mean of targeted tax incentives or benefits which reduce tax liabilities, otherwise referred to as Tax Expenditures. Updated june 10 and Taxes per worker appendix
IBO presents its annual fiscal outlook report, featuring our latest local economic forecast along with our estimates of revenue and spending under the financial plan released by the Mayor last month.
The New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”) is pleased to submit this report pursuant to Section 12-113 of the New York City Administrative Code, as amended, the City’s “Whistleblower Law.”
The New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”) is pleased to submit this report pursuant to Section 12-113 of the New York City Administrative Code, the City’s “Whistleblower Law.”
The City Charter requires that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) publish documentation of forecasting methodologies used for projecting tax revenues for those taxes which account for five percent or more of total City tax revenues.