The study examines additions and subtractions of dwelling units to and from the rent stabilization system in that year and compares it to changes from prior years.
In agreement with the First Amended Nitrogen Consent Judgment (FANCJ), this feasibility study is designed to evaluate the available nitrogen-removal technologies, and optimization techniques for existing infrastructure, to identify potential measures to reduce nitrogen discharges
The James Blake CCRB Fellowship program was created to help the CCRB reduce the number of truncated complaints (closed without investigation). The report analyzes the reasons for truncations and makes recommendations aimed at increasing the number of complaints that receive full, fair investigation.
This report provides a summary of the outcomes achieved by the two winners of the NYCx Co-Labs Mental Health Challenge: NextStep and Me, Myself, & I. It includes lessons learned for working on open innovation, community engagement, urban pilots as well as policy recommendations for NYC agencies.
This report provides a summary of the outcomes achieved by the two winners of the NYCx Co-Labs Housing Rights Challenge; Heat Seek and It also includes lessons learned for working on open innovation, community engagement, urban pilots as well as policy recommendations for NYC agencies.
In compliance with Local Law 11 passed by the New York City Council in 2018, ACS submits quarterly reports on preventive services utilization to the Council.
REPORT: The Governor contends that localities have allowed Medicaid spending to spiral because the state enacted a cap in 2012 that spared them from having to share in the increasing costs. His Executive Budget proposes to counter this.