A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
The report evaluates the City’s storm operations, interagency coordination,
public communications, community preparedness, and long-term projects and plans to manage
Per Administrative Code of the City of New York section 7-114, the City's Law Department must post information on civil actions alleging misconduct commenced against the police department and individual officers on its website.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
The NYC Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee (FRC) was established through Local Law 61, in June 2005. Annually, the FRC reviews and analyzes domestic-related homicide data to gain an understanding of the circumstances surrounding the occurrence of these crimes.
This report analyzes New York City Police Department (NYPD) domestic violence and shooting incidents across New York City (NYC) from 2017 to 2022. This report examines patterns of domestic violence reported to the NYPD and shooting incidents, individually and in relation to each other, across NYC’s
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
Pursuant to Local Law 84 of 2022, amending Local Law 188 of 2018, this report summarizes the most recently available maternal mortality data and recommendations.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
Details the expense budget of certain agencies by major functional areas. Within each functional area, expenditures by personal services and other than personal services are presented.
The Food Forward NYC: 2-Year Progress Report highlights the tremendous progress that the City has made since Food Forward NYC, a comprehensive strategic framework for a more racially and economically equitable, sustainable, and healthy food system for all New Yorkers, was released in February 2021.
The Food Forward NYC: 2-Year Progress Report highlights the tremendous progress that the City has made since Food Forward NYC, a comprehensive strategic framework for a more racially and economically equitable, sustainable, and healthy food system for all New Yorkers, was released in February 2021.
OIG-NYPD issued a Statement of Findings regarding policies and procedures for retention of audio, photographs and video captured by the Technical Assistance and Response Unit (“TARU”) in the NYPD.
NYC Opportunity has released its annual poverty report, which contains a measure of poverty in New York City for 2020, the latest year for which data is available. This year’s report is different from past reports: the Covid-19 pandemic significantly disrupted the collection of poverty data in 2020.
The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene's report on the provision of medical services related to reproductive health pursuant to Local Law 73 of 2022.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
Details the expense budget of certain agencies by major functional areas. Within each functional area, expenditures by personal services and other than personal services are presented, as well as the funding supporting the function.
Biosolids are a product of the wastewater treatment process that, when treated to regulatory standards for beneficial reuse, are widely used to enhance soils and provide ecosystem benefits.
IBO calculated how much the city is owed in unpaid balances. IBO examined three primary sources of unpaid balances: parking and camera-generated violations, lienable property charges, and penalties adjudicated by the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings that were incurred in CYs 2017-2022.
Audit, analysis and evaluation by Equal Employment Practices Commission of Campaign Finance Board. The compliance determination certificate was issued because of CFB'S efforts to ensure fair and effective equal employment practices.
On August 31, 2016, Mayor de Blasio signed Local Law 102 of 2016 requiring a designated agency to review requests and to develop a list of ‐ at minimum ‐ three neighborhoods where interagency collaboration, or a “neighborhood support team,” would address quality of life issues.
Update to the Borough Pedestrian Safety Action Plans. The report updates the Priority Locations identified in the 2019 Vision Zero Borough Pedestrian Action Plans with current data, Vision Zero innovations, progress on Vision Zero initiatives, and introduces new actions.
The CCRB Protest Report reports the results of its investigations into complaints arising from NYPD's handling of the Summer 2020 George Floyd Protests. This report is the culmination of the previously published Protest Snapshots.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
Per Administrative Code of the City of New York section 7-113, the City's Law Department must post information on civil actions alleging misconduct commenced against the Department of Corrections and individual officers on its website.
Per Administrative Code of the City of New York section 7-114, the City's Law Department must post information on civil actions alleging misconduct commenced against the police department and individual officers on its website.
The CCRB Protest Snapshots provide summary data on CCRB's progress investigating complaints arising from NYPD's handling of the Summer 2020 George Floyd Protests. These snapshots will culminate in a report from the agency analyzing these cases.
Details the expense budget of certain agencies by major functional areas. Within each functional area, expenditures by personal services and other than personal services are presented, as well as the funding supporting the function.
Report covers data from NYC DOT's speed camera program from its inception in 2014 through December 2021, to the extent to which it is available, pursuant to Sec.1180-b of NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law.
NYC DOT update on the Staten Island Ferry fleet, regulatory changes, and the implementation of the Study’s recommendations since the Ferry Fuel and Propulsion Feasibility Study's original delivery in 2019.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
The NYC Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee (FRC) was established through Local Law 61, in June 2005. Annually, the Committee reviews and analyzes domest-related homicide data to gain an understanding of the circumstances surrounding the occurrence of these crimes and to ascertain the level.
The NYC Well-Being Index is designed to help understand the well-being of communities. It is a composite measure with nine domains: Education, Economic Security, Housing, Health, Community Safety, Infrastructure and Core Services, and Community Vitality, COVID-19 and Equity.
This report includes an analysis of five Open Streets corridors and examines the economic impact of the Open Streets program on restaurants and bars during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Report on the operation of the provision of legal services provided to covered small business tenants pursuant to subdivision b of Administrative Code Section 22-1006 during the previous two fiscal years
This report provides data on the number of NYC Well calls answered, 311 calls transferred to NYC Well, and 911 calls related to mental health emergencies during the COVID-19 pandemic pursuant of Local Law 36 of 2021. The report covers the period from January 2019 to May 2022.
Pursuant to Local Law 152 of 2019, the NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS) compiled a report containing information related to storefront businesses citywide.
This Report presents the results of the June 30, 2020 (Lag) actuarial valuation of the benefits under both the New York City Employees’ Retirement System (NYCERS) Qualified Pension Plan and Group Life Insurance Plan (collectively, the Plan).
Biennial report required pursuant to the Identifying Information Law, containing information related to the collection, retention and disclosure of identifying information
Biennial report required pursuant to the Identifying Information Law, containing information related to the collection and disclosure of identifying information by the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs.