In 2017 the Campaign Finance Board provided candidates running for municipal offices ranging from the Mayor to City Council with a combined $17.7 million in public funds to support their campaigns.Candidates who meet the requirements are eligible to receive matching funds.
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The new city funds announced in April bring the Fair Student Funding total allocated to school budgets up to $6.2 billion for the current school year, an increase of 3.4 percent.
Data Brief contains count the number of intimate partner homicides and homicide-suicides that occurred in New York City from 2010- 2017 and provides demographic and location information in aggregate. Also includes suicide and domestic violence hotline and resource information.
Report includes an overview of the implementation of the camera-based enforcement system, including the outreach and education completed in advance of beginning a system, and the results of the demonstration program in terms of bus speeds and reliability for 2015 to mid-2017 per VTL §1111-c.
The number of students in grades 6 through 12 suspended for breaking school rules has continued to decline in recent years as the City Council and the de Blasio Administration have fostered policies that promote alternatives to keeping students out of the classroom.
Report of the Interagency Coordinating Council on Youth to the city council and the mayor summarizing its activity during the previous fiscal year and detailing recommendations for improving service delivery and coordination.