Each year the Mayor's Office for Economic Opportunity publishes its annual Poverty Measure report. Unlike the U.S. measure, the NYCgov measure takes into account benefit programs and higher housing costs to get a better portrait of poverty in New York City.
This is the first annual report issued under the name of the Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity, created in May 2017 with the merger of two previously distinct units, the Center for Economic Opportunity and HHS-Connect.
This is a review of the Jobs-Plus program, which serves residents of public housing and has three core components: 1) employment services in the community, 2) financial incentives that help "make work pay," and 3) community support for work that organizes neighbors to promote be benefits of working.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
Among the many spending reductions included in President Trump’s proposed 2018 budget are cuts to federal aid for lowincome individuals and families, including cash assistance, food stamps, and Supplemental Security Income.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.