The NYC Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee (FRC) was established through Local Law 61, in June 2005. Annually, the FRC reviews and analyzes domestic-related homicide data to gain an understanding of the circumstances surrounding the occurrence of these crimes.
Summary of NYC Veteran Advisory Board key activities for 2017 and policy recommendations for the Mayor and New York City Council impacting veterans in NYC. Includes copies of the minutes of advisory board meetings held during 2017.
Report covers data from NYC DOT's speed camera program from its inception in 2014 through December 2021, to the extent to which it is available, pursuant to Sec.1180-b of NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law.
The NYC Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee (FRC) was established through Local Law 61, in June 2005. Annually, the Committee reviews and analyzes domest-related homicide data to gain an understanding of the circumstances surrounding the occurrence of these crimes and to ascertain the level.
This report provides a statistical overview of the 673 domestic violence homicide incidents involving 721 victims that occurred in New York City from 2010 through 2020.
Report covers data from NYC DOT's speed camera program from its inception in 2014 through December 2020, to the extent to which it is available, pursuant to Sec.1180-b of NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law.
This report presents statistical information for Tax Year 2017 for three New York City business income taxes: The Business Corporation Tax (COR), the General Corporation Tax (GCT), and the Unincorporated Business Tax (UBT).
Building on the foundation laid through Housing New York, in November 2017 the Administration committed to completing the initial goal of 200,000 affordable homes two years ahead of schedule, by 2022, and generating an additional 100,000 homes over the following four years.
The Annual Report of the New York City Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee, 2020, which was established through Local Law 61 of 2005. The FRC reviewed aggregate data obtained from the NYPD regarding family-related homicides that occurred between 2010 and 2019.
MMR indicates that may be eligible for publication on the Open Data Portal. DDC will identify and release everything considered public data, the total number of projects for which design was completed, during the reporting period and each reporting category.
Pursuant Local Law 168 This report provides information related to adolescents and young adults located in a Department of Education facility that offers educational programming to incarcerated individuals. This is a required
report pursuant to New York City Administrative Code §9-151.
The report provides an update on the implementation of the 32 initiatives announced by the NYC Domestic Violence Task Force in May 2017. The goal of the initiatives was to reduce violence, enhance the safety and well-being of domestic violence survivors, and hold abusive partners accountable.
Pursuant to Local Law 114 of 2017 this report describes medical health services for individuals in shelters. This report should be viewed against the backdrop of the many services HRA and DHS provide to address social and structural determinants of health and homelessness. Report revised 9/2019.
The Annual Report of the New York City Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee, 2019, which was established through Local Law 61 of 2005. The FRC reviewed aggregate data obtained from the NYPD regarding family-related homicides that occurred between 2010 and 2018.
Published as per Local Law 19, 2018, this report focuses on the work of NYC's Accountability Review Panel. The Panel reviews fatalities of children whose families were the subject of a child protective investigation or otherwise received services from ACS within the last ten years or at the time of
Report summarizes the City's progress and introduces new initiatives that build on the accomplishments of Vision Zero's first five years. Report contains summary data describing the annual core outputs (street design, enforcement and safety education) and core outcomes (traffic fatalities).
Each year the Mayor's Office for Economic Opportunity publishes its annual Poverty Measure report. Unlike the U.S. measure, the NYCgov measure takes into account benefit programs and higher housing costs to get a better portrait of poverty in New York City.
The 2019 Income & Expense Study analyzes the cost of operating and maintaining rental housing, examining the conditions that existed in NYC’s rent stabilized housing market in 2017, the year for which the most recent data is available, and also the extent by which these conditions changed from 2016
TheNew York City Community Air Survey (NYCCAS) is the largest ongoing urban air monitoring program of any U.S. city. NYCCAS is a collaboration between the Health Department and Queens College of the City University of New York and tracks changes in air quality over time.
Pursuant to Local Law 54 of 2007, this report by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene summarizes pesticide use by City agencies annually.
Report of the Interagency Coordinating Council on Youth to the city council and the mayor summarizing its activity during the previous fiscal year and detailing recommendations for improving service delivery and coordination.
LL 23 of 2015 requires the Mayor’s Office of Operations to collect and report specified data from a certain set of agencies that provide services to veterans, by category of benefit available to veterans and by veterans’ borough of residence. This information is contained within this report.
This Report presents the results of the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2018 Annual Valuation of the
Other Postemployment Benefits (OPEB) provided under the New York City Health Benefits
Program (Program).
This report is submitted in compliance with Local Law 1 of 2004, which requires the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) to annually report to the New York City Council on the City’s progress toward reducing childhood lead poisoning and increasing blood lead testing.
The Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) submitted the revised 2010 - 2017 benchmarking results for City government buildings to the Department of Finance (DOF) for publication on September 1, 2018 in compliance with Local Law 84 of 2009.
The Real Property Transfer Tax (RPTT) is imposed on the consideration for conveyances or transfers where the consideration exceeds $25,000. This report includes NYC transactions with the date of sale between January 1 and December 31, 2017.
Pursuant to Local Law 16 of 2013, this report summarizes the New York City Department of Mental Hygiene's Mobile Food Vending licensing and permitting activities, covering the period from June 1, 2017 to May 31, 2018.
The Public Design Commission’s 2017 annual report provides data on the PDC’s review of submissions as required by Local Law 17 of 2017. The report gives an overview of our collaborative interagency initiatives to streamline design review and improve the City’s public spaces for all New Yorkers.
Report on the Hotel Room Occupancy Tax that must be paid on the occupancy, or the right of occupancy, of a room/s in a hotel. The occupant of any room or rooms in a hotel must pay the tax. The hotel room occupancy tax year starts on March 1 and ends on the last day of February of the following year.
Pursuant to section 17-711 of the New York City Administrative Code, this report describes the administration and enforcement of the Tobacco Product and Regulation Act.
NYC Law Department 2017 Annual Report describes some of the New York City major issues and matters, such as immigration, education, judicial election reform and environmental policy, that were handled by the various Law Department divisions and support units in 2017.
Annual Report on Business Education Events Fiscal Year 2019, covering 6/30/2017 – 6/29/2018.
This report is submitted pursuant to N.Y.C. Ad. Code § 20-706.2 as added by Local Law 68 of 2015.
This report, submitted pursuant to §3 of Local Law 77 (LL77), details the status of the Office of Building Water System Oversight’s (BWSO) cooling tower program and the number of cases of Legionnaire’s disease in the city.
The 2018 Housing Supply Report examines changes in the overall supply of housing in NYC during the prior year, looking at factors that include the number of permits issued for new dwelling units and the number of completed housing units.
Report on the first annual Foster Care Youth Experience Survey in accordance with Local Law 146 of 2016, which requires the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) to provide to all youth in foster care, ages 13 and older, an annual survey regarding their experiences in foster care.
Report on the total number of bike crashes that are reported to City agencies, and number of injuries and fatalities resulting from such crashes in 2017.
This report specifies all facilities managed by the Department with accessible features. Also listed in the report are projects (a) designed in 2016 to comply with the 2010 standards for accessible design, (b) which completed construction in 2016 which comply with the 2010 standards.
This report fulfills the reporting requirement for Local Law 37 of 2005, which requires a summary of the changes to the carcinogen and developmental toxin list since it was established in April 2005.
This report discusses notable advances in DSNY’s clean diesel fleet, and provides information on efforts to further incorporate alternative fuel vehicles into its fleet.
The CCRB Annual Report contains data on complaint activity, CCRB investigations, the NYPD disciplinary process, CCRB mediations, requests for case reconsideration, video and body-worn cameras, CCRB outreach, and new CCRB initiatives for the preceding year.
The 2018 Price Index of Operating Costs (PIOC) study measures the price change in a market basket of goods and services used in the operation and maintenance of rent stabilized apartment buildings in New York City.
This Study reports on housing affordability and tenant income in New York City’s rental market. The study highlights year-to-year changes in many of the major economic factors affecting New York City’s tenant population and takes into consideration a broad range of market forces and public policies.
Pursuant to the Units of Appropriation 102 and 112 of the fiscal year 2018 budget agreement, enclosed is a report of cycle times for services at the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s clinics. The report provides information on the average cycle times for service sought, disaggregated by service type, for each DOHMH clinic in calendar year 2017.
This report contains services provided by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene's Bureau of Developmental Disabilities, within the Division of Mental Hygiene.
Fourth annual report for DOI’s Inspector General for the New York City Police Department (“NYPD”), discussing the investigations
and recommendations made in Calendar Year 2017 and updating the status of recommendations issued previously that
have not been fully adopted by NYPD.
The 2018 Income & Expense Study analyzes the cost of operating and maintaining rental housing, examining the conditions that existed in NY’s rent stabilized housing market in 2015, the year for which the most recent data is available, and also the extent by which these conditions changed from 2014.
Tax Commission 2017 Annual Report. This report contains information about the Tax Commission and its mission,
functions, operations and resources, an overview of the agency’s performance, and
statistical profiles of its determinations during calendar year 2017.
In compliance with Local Law 141 passed by the New York City Council in 2016 (amending LL48 of 2014), ACS produces an annual report on government issued personal identification for youth in foster care to the Council.
In compliance with Local Law 142 passed by the New York City Council in 2016, ACS produces an annual report on educational continuity and school attendance rates of children in foster care.
These reports, in compliance with Local Law 20 of 2006, include data on 12 child welfare indicators, such as staff caseloads, investigations, and reunifications, for the most recent calendar year.
The State of the Sewers report provides an overview of how the City’s sewer system works, DEP’s approach to inspection, cleaning, and repair of the system, a breakdown of the most recurrent causes of sewer blockages, a look at the new employee training facility and safety program...
The Commission on Gender Equity 2015-2017 Annual Report covers the thirty-one month period from June 2015 through December 2017 and presents the goals for January through December 2018.
Report highlighting the agency's progress on the 105 initiatives of the Strategic Plan 2016 and work to
make the city's streets safer and more sustainable, accessible, and efficient.
TLC is required to provide MOIA an annual report of language access policies, procedures, concerns, and next steps. This report outlines language access at TLC for the calendar year 2017.
Report regarding NYC DOT installations of Accessible Pedestrian
Signals (APSs) to assist pedestrians who are blind or have low vision in crossing the street.
This is the first annual report issued under the name of the Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity, created in May 2017 with the merger of two previously distinct units, the Center for Economic Opportunity and HHS-Connect.
Annual report containing fire investigation analysis conducted by the FDNY Bureau of Fire Investigation, including: Fire cause analysis; civilian fire fatalities; civilian fire injuries; arrest report.
The CCRB Semi-Annual Report contains data on complaint activity, CCRB investigations, the NYPD disciplinary process, CCRB mediations, requests for case reconsideration, video and body-worn cameras, CCRB outreach, and new CCRB initiatives for the preceding January-June.
Pursuant to LL78 of 2016, a report detailing efforts to transition to the next generation 9-1-1 emergency assistance system: current implementation plan, steps planned and taken towards implementation of NG9-1-1, and discussion of feasibility of implementing an interim 9-1-1 text message capability
The Department of Correction and the Department of Homeless Services shall work to develop a process for identifying individuals who repeatedly are admitted to city correctional institutions and who, in addition, either immediately before their admission to or after their release.
DEP's strategy to reduce phosphorous discharges to East of Hudson water bodies within the Croton watershed is to continue emphasis on responsible maintenance protocol at our facilities and lands, as well as respond to, provide and oversee cleanup activities, and investigate any illicit discharges
This report describes the results of the 2017 NYC Youth Count which is part of the City's unsheltered Point-in-Time count. The report summarizes the number of youth who completed the survey, as well as information about their demographics and housing situations.
Local Law 26/2011 requires agencies responsible for preparing for and responding to snow emergencies provide an annual snow preparedness and response report for each snow event of six inches or greater. This report is for the snow events which occurred in January, February and March of 2017.
Local Law 24/2011 outlines the plans and protocols in place to guide New York City's response to weather emergencies, including plans for winter weather, coastal storms, extreme heat, flash floods, and events causing power outages, damage to structures, and/or significant amounts of debris for 2017.
HAZMAT reports are required by Local Laws 26 and 92, also known as the “Community Right-to-Know Laws” as well as information about DEP’s comprehensive Right-to-Know Program.
This Report presents information, intended for use by the City of New York for accounting
and financial reporting under Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 68.
This Report presents the results of the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2017 Annual Valuation of the
Other Postemployment Benefits (OPEB) provided under the New York City Health Benefits
Program (Program).
On August 31, 2016, Mayor de Blasio signed Local Law 102 of 2016 requiring a designated agency to review requests and to develop a list of at minimum three neighborhoods where inter agenc collaboration, or a “neighborhood support team,” would address quality of life issues.
Pursuant to Local Law 115 of 2017 this report describes mental health services for individuals in shelters. This report should be viewed against the backdrop of the many services HRA and DHS provide to address social and structural determinants of health and homelessness.
The Commission has, since its inception, and in accordance with its Executive Order, released annual reports detailing its activities for each past year.
This report is submitted pursuant to N.Y.C. Ad. Code § 20-706.2 as added by Local Law 68 of 2015. It reflects the number and location of events held in the previous year.
Report on the condition of all bridges and tunnels operated and maintained by DOT and all capital and revenue budget funds appropriated for rehabilitation and maintenance of such bridges and tunnels.
DEP's goal is to provide educational materials and to train employees on stormwater. Educational materials are available to employees and the public through DEP's website and through public outreach events.
Annual report on the Department of Sanitation's alternative fuel program, as required by Local Law 38 of 2005, Section 24-163.2 of the Administrative Code.
With the citywide elections on the horizon, including a ballot initiative for a statewide Constitutional Convention, it is imperative that every eligible New Yorker make their voice heard in 2017.