Through partnerships with community groups, schools, and various city agencies, FDNY's fire safety education team coordinated/participated in in-person and virtual events during CY 2022 that provided awareness of general residential safety, placing an emphasis on targeting youth.
Pursuant to Admin Code Sect. 14-153(a), this monthly report contains 1) the number of moving violation summonses issued; 2) the number of traffic crashes; and 3) the number of traffic-related fatalities and injuries
BIC is hosting a public event on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, at 2:00pm for BIC’s Director of Violations and Director of Policy to address frequently asked questions and receive industry feedback.
To all BIC Licensees and Class-1 Registrants: You are required to complete the Department of Sanitation’s (“DSNY”) Solid Waste and Recycling Semi-Annual Reports for 2023 by April 26, 2024. There are TWO required reports: 1. January through June 2023 and 2. July through December 2023.
Report includes the number of employees assigned to each fire company and special operations unit, by gender and race or ethnicity, and the number of employees who reside within the immediate service area of each fire company, by gender and race or ethnicity.
Report including (1) the number of opioid antagonists available; (2) the number of staff trained to administer; (3) the number of instances during the quarter it was administered; and (4) the number of instances in which the patient responded to the administration of an opioid antagonist.
Sheeting and Bracing revisions to the New York City of Department of Environmental Protection standard sewer and water specifications dated 8/8/22. Attachments - Section 40.05 (7 page.)
To all BIC trade waste broker registrants: On a bi-annual basis, you must submit to the Commission a customer register that includes all customers located in New York City.
• Customer data for July 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023 is due by January 30, 2024.
To all BIC licensees: On a quarterly basis, you must submit to the Commission a customer register that includes all customers located in New York City.
• Customer data for October 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023 is due by January 31, 2024.