Report including information on the number of summonses the department issued in the last 6 months in connection with the improper use of city-issued parking permits, disaggregated by the section of the New York city traffic rules that was violated
Report including information on the number of summonses the department issued in the last 6 months in connection with the improper use of city-issued parking permits, disaggregated by the section of the New York city traffic rules that was violated
Report including information on the number of summonses the department issued in the last 6 months in connection with the improper use of city-issued parking permits, disaggregated by the section of the New York city traffic rules that was violated
Report including information on the number of summonses the department issued in the last 6 months in connection with the improper use of city-issued parking permits, disaggregated by the section of the New York city traffic rules that was violated
Weigh-in-motion systems violations are issued to vehicle owners whose vehicles are recorded as having axle or gross weights exceeding the existing legal thresholds.
Final report on the Carshare Parking Pilot program that provided up to 300 on-street parking spaces in 14 pilot zones and up to 300 parking spaces in municipal
parking facilities for use by participating carshare companies.
Pursuant to LL 25/2010, a report from the Taxi and Limousine Commission on fare complaints (Medallion & For-Hire Vehicle) and top 10 violations dis-aggregated by precinct
The following report lists the number of crashes reported to TLC that involve a TLC-licensed vehicle. Below those lines, the number of TLC-licensed vehicles involved in those crashes are disaggregated by vehicle type. Please note that multiple TLC-licensed vehicles can be involved in a single crash.