WHEREAS, it is the policy of the City of New York to ensure that LGBTQIA+ people of
the City live with dignity, are treated with equity, and are free from violence and discrimination;
WHEREAS, the City of New York is committed to maintaining trust with the
LGBTQIA* community, and fostering a safe an
Mayor Bill de Blasio joined Chancellor Meisha Porter and kindergarteners from The Williamsburg Bridge Magnet School today to kick off New York City’s first-ever “Baby Bonds” program.
Mayor de Blasio today signed an Executive Order to enshrine the position of LGBTQIA+ Liaison within the Office of the Police Commissioner of the New York City Police Department
Mayor de Blasio today announced a new $37 million violence intervention employment program that will create 1,500 jobs in Brownsville, South Jamaica, East and Central Harlem, Mott Haven, and across the Bronx.
Mayor de Blasio today signed an Executive Order to enshrine the position of LGBTQIA+ Liaison within the Office of the Police Commissioner of the New York City Police Department.
Mayor De Blasio holds media press conference to applaud the city's fight against the pandemic and the strides taken in the period of the city's recovery from the pandemic,