This is the annual report of New York City's Compensation Plan and the IRA Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2010. The compensation plans, 457, 401(k) and 401(a), are voluntary retirement contribution programs, which a citizen agrees to when of age. A New York City Employee Individual Retirement Account consists of two forms of IRAS, traditional and Roth, and an employee establishes an NYCE IRA account after he or she acknowledges the NYCE IRA Disclosure Statement and Fee Schedule.
A summary and report of the Deferred Compensation Plan, which includes the 457 Plan and the 401(k) Plan. This report contains the monetary actions for each Plan and a description of each Plan.
This annual report for the year 2011 for the City shows the New York Deferred Compensation Plan/NYCE IRA for the fiscal year, which ended on December 31, 2011. Included are detailed data and information on the plan and its impact.
Report on agency policies on identifying information, detailing the collection, retention and disclosure of identifying information by the Office of Labor Relations (OLR).
Letter advising that OLR has nothing to report re: Charter § 219(d), requiring each agency to prepare and submit periodic reports in regard to the progress of its capital projects; and Charter § 222(a) requiring a report on the proposed scope of capital projects or explanation of any delay.
Advises that OLR has no capital projects to report on for purposes of the following provisions under the NYC Charter:
• Charter § 219(d), requiring each agency to prepare and submit periodic reports in regard to the progress of its capital projects.
• Charter § 222(a) requiring a report on the pro
A report on OLRs efforts during the previous quarter to implement the plan adopted pursuant to paragraph 19 (annual plan) of Section 815(a) with details of agency's efforts to implement equal employment practices.
This booklet describes the City of New York's Deferred Compensation Plan, an umbrella program consisting of the 457 Plan and the 401(k) Plan. Deferred Compensation is a retirement savings plan that lets citizens save for the future through easy payroll deductions.
2012 Annual report for the City of New York Deferred Compensation Plan/NYCE IRA for Fiscal Year ended December 31, 2012 - includes a financial section, investment options section, and statistical section.
A report on OLR's effort during the previous quarter to implement the agency's Charter-mandated equal employment opportunity plan, including statistical information regarding total information.
A report on the OLR's efforts during the previous quarter to implement the agency's annual diversity and EEO plan, including details of agency’s efforts to implement
equal employment practices, statistical information on total employment, new hiring and promotions. Includes DEEO Training Summary.
A report on the agency's efforts during the previous quarter to implement the plan adopted pursuant to paragraph 19
(annual plan) of Section 815(a), including details of agency's eorts to implement equal employment practices, including statistical information regarding total
Report regarding the collection, retention, and disclosure of identifying information by OLR and any contractors or subcontractors utilized by the agency. Submitted pursuant to Admin. Code § 23-1205.
A report on OLR's efforts during the previous quarter to implement the annual EEO Plan required by Charter Section 815(a), including details of agency's efforts to implement equal employment practices. Includes statistical information on various EEO-related indicators.
A report on the agency's efforts during the previous quarter to implement its annual, Charter-mandated diversity plan, including details of efforts to implement equal employment practices, for minority group members, women and members of other groups who work for the City, or seek City employment.
Annual fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by, or who seek employment with the agency. Published pursuant to Section 815(a) of the New York City Charter.
A report on OLR's efforts during the third quarter of FY 2020 to implement the plan adopted pursuant to NYC Charter section 815(a), paragraph nineteen, including statistical information and details of agency's efforts to implement equal employment practices.