NYC Local Law 6 of 2016 required the City to develop and make publicly available, a pre-feasibility screening tool to determine the viability of installing a geothermal system for a particular building.
Revised NYC DEP Standard Sewer and Water Specifications - Revised definitions in Section 10.01, new Section 10.37 - CORROSIVE SOILS for testing prior to polyethylene wrapping ductile iron pipe.
In an effort to provide greater transparency in our work, we have generated annual reports, customized for each of the agencies and other entitites we partner with to build New York City.
In an effort to provide greater transparency in our work, we have generated annual reports, customized for each of the agencies and other entitites we partner with to build New York City.
In an effort to provide greater transparency in our work, we have generated annual reports, customized for each of the agencies and other entitites we partner with to build New York City.