The Department of Design & Construction Office of Sustainable Design has been a leader in developing high performing built environments that emphasize energy saving techniques such as geothermal heat pumps.
The purpose of the Language Access Policy is to establish guidelines for ensuring equitable service ans access for individuals with limited proficiency (LEP). DDC recognizes the importance of effective and accurate communication between our agency and the city we serve.
A report on the collection of and retention of employment information for the purposes and mission of hiring and staffing policies that are followed by the Department of Design and Construction.
MMR indicates that may be eligible for publication on the Open Data Portal. DDC will identify and release everything considered public data, the total number of projects for which design was completed, during the reporting period and each reporting category.
Demographic data and trends including workforce composition by job title, job group,, race ethnicity and gender; new hires, promotions & separation data and utilization analysis; workforce planning & diverse applicant pool.
Revisions to the NYC DEP Standard Sewer and Water Specifications, updating the requirements for restoration of pavement surfaces after sewer and water main work.
A Strategic Blueprint for Construction Excellence is DDC’s comprehensive plan to improve capital project delivery. The plan will decrease construction costs and project timelines to deliver projects faster and within budget, making more efficient use of City resources.
Updates to Section 60.12.3.(J) of the 7/1/14 NYC DEP Standard Sewer and Water Specifications. The updates are for worker safety and to ensure square clean cuts when ductile iron pipe is cut in a trench.
Adding new Section 4.13 to the 7/1/2014 NYC DEP Standard Sewer and Water Specifications. This section provides new requirements for temporary stockpiles within the city, but not on the Right of Way. The new Section also includes the DSNY Interpretive Memorandum #2, 2/14/1995.