Reports engagement status of heads of household between & including the ages of 16-24. Information disaggregated by the following categories: 1) individuals aged 16 and 17; 2) individuals aged 18-20; and 3) individuals aged 21-24, calculated both as an actual number & percentage of caseload.
Reports the engagement status of heads of household between and including the ages of 16-24, that includes the following information disaggregated by the following categories: 1) individuals aged 16 and 17; 2) individuals aged 18-20; and 3) individuals aged 21-24.
This quarterly report lists all of the emergency feeding programs in NYC and all of the quantities of applications distributed reflect a quantity of “0“ reflecting HRA's focus of submitting SNAP applications electronically.
This quarterly report lists all of the emergency feeding programs in NYC and all of the quantities of applications distributed reflect a quantity of “0“reflecting HRA's focus of submitting SNAP applications electronically.
This report includes descriptive statistics by field operations location, on: the size and demographics of the client population; levels at which financial assistance and social services are requested and granted; time frames for the provision of services; and data on case closings and re-openings.
LL 78/2017
If fatality/injury requiring EMS occurred at an active construction site, DOB must report a description of the incident, parties involved, actions taken by the Agency, and description of the site. Submitted monthly.
Report contains number of contacts & placements in transitional housing resulting from such contacts during the reporting period and the number of referrals of persons so contacted to programs or services during the reporting period. Includes permanent/ transitional housing projections.
The fact sheet provides count data for the number of intimate partner and family-related homicides, calls to the NYC domestic violence hotline, total and borough counts for client visits to the New York City Family Justice Centers and the number of trainings and outeach events conducted by ENDGBV.
This report lists all of the emergency feeding programs in NYC and all of the quantities of applications distributed reflect a quantity of “0“ reflecting HRA's focus of submitting SNAP applications electronically.