The Commission re-examined the qualifications, training, and supervision of the Department Advocates and the preparation and presentation of cases in the Department's trial rooms to determine whether the administrative disciplinary system had improved since the release of the Commission's original July 2000 report: The New York City Police Department's Prosecution of Disciplinary Cases. The Commission found that significant delays still existed in the disciplinary process, which negatively impacted upon the prosecution of cases. The Commission also found that insufficient case enhancement continued to be a considerable problem, which appeared to be caused by the inexperience of the Advocates and the lack of substantial supervisory oversight.
On 3/19/02, DOB convened the World Trade Center Building Code Task Force after the 9/11/01 terrorist attack and subsequent collapse of the World Trade Center. The task force was established to review current building design, construction and operating requirements and to determine if modifications for extreme events were needed to ensure public safety in new and existing buildings. The report contains findings and recommendations.
Report on average number of crashes for 3 years prior to the commencement of a major transportatin project, and the year subsequent to completion of such report. Also includes any other data related to such project including but not limited to speed data, vehicular volume data, etc.