Per Administrative Code of the City of New York section 7-114, the City's Law Department must post information on civil actions alleging misconduct commenced against the police department and individual officers on its website.
Per Administrative Code of the City of New York section 7-114, the City's Law Department must post information on civil actions alleging misconduct commenced against the police department and individual officers on its website.
The Department of Investigation’s (“DOI”) Office of the Inspector General for the New York City Police Department (“OIG-NYPD”) issued a report examining the New York City Police Department’s (“NYPD”) use of the Criminal Group Database (“CGD”).
Department of Investigation’s (“DOI”) Office of the Inspector General for the New York City Police Department (“OIG-NYPD”) released its Ninth Annual Report, which discusses each of the 18 investigative reports authored by OIG-NYPD since 2015 and the status of the 200 recommendations issued to NYPD.
This brief explores uniformed personnel overtime at the New York City Police Department (NYPD), which has become the largest share of overtime over budget each year.
Annual fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by, or who seek employment with, the agency.
The number of civil immigration detainers received from federal immigration authorities; The number of individuals held pursuant to civil immigration detainers beyond the time when such individual would otherwise be released from department's custody; ETC.
Pursuant to Admin Code Sect. 14-150(a)(4)(6), this quarterly report contains information on felony crime complaints from public pools, basketball courts, recreation centers, playgrounds, and parks
Pursuant to Admin Code Sect. 14-153(c), this quarterly report contains 1) the number of leaving the scene incidents with a critical injury; 2) the number of such incidents the department closed to arrest and closed without an arrest; and 3) the number of notices of violation issued for 19-191
Pursuant to Admin Code Sect. 14-157, this quarterly report contains information on the # of criminal and civil summonses issued, disaggregated by offense, race, gender, age, borough, precinct, police service area, and transit district, as well as NYPD reason codes for criminal summonses issued.