Healthy Indicators Project (HIP) was a 3-year study to determine how NYC can transform senior centers to become viable alternatives to traditional health promotion, disease prevention and chronic disease self-management programs.
Press releases are designed to inform the public of an upcoming/ongoing emergency or special event. Some emergencies include coastal storms, nor'easters, and extreme heat. Releases also highlight special events including Ready New York presentations and other community preparedness initiatives.
Local Law 30 creates a centralized language access policy for New York City. Local Law 30 mandates that City agencies create a language access implementation plan in order to ensure meaningful language access to their services. This is the 2009 OEM Language Access Policy.
Press releases are designed to inform the public of an upcoming/ongoing emergency or special event. Some emergencies include coastal storms, nor'easters, and extreme heat. Releases also highlight special events including Ready New York presentations and other community preparedness initiatives.
This Executive Order by the Mayor announces the establishment of NYC Business Express, which is to be developed and implemented by the Department of Small Business Services.
Press releases are designed to inform the public of an upcoming/ongoing emergency or special event. Some emergencies include coastal storms, nor'easters, and extreme heat. Releases also highlight special events including Ready New York presentations and other community preparedness initiatives.