This fact sheet represents a range of statistics and information about the Latine population in New York State and New York City. The Latine community in New York State and New York City is a multi-racial and multi-ethnic group hailing from all across the world.
Annual FDNY Admissions Demographics Report includes the demographics of applicants at every step of the application process: recruitment, admission to take the written exam, admission to take the physical exam, admission to the FDNY academy training and graduation from the academy.
Annual FDNY Admissions Demographics Report includes the demographics of applicants at every step of the application process: recruitment, admission to take the written exam, admission to take the physical exam, admission to the FDNY academy training and graduation from the academy.
This report presents data on the underutilization of Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, and females in New York City’s municipal workforce in 2022. Findings and recommendations have also been included in the report.
The focus of this report is an analysis of underutilization of women and Black/Hispanic/Asian individuals in seven commonly known competitive civil service job titles that constitute a sizeable portion of New York City’s municipal workforce.
Annual FDNY Admissions Demographics Report includes the demographics of applicants at every step of the application process: recruitment, admission to take the written exam, admission to take the physical exam, admission to the FDNY academy training and graduation from the academy.
This is the first report in a series of 10 reports pursuant to LL 13/2019 that will be prepared on an annual basis, to identify areas of underutilization of minorities by job group in New York City government and at the seven (7) City University of New York (CUNY) Community Colleges.
The agency conducted a demographic data and trends, including workforce composition by job title, job group, race/ethnicity and gender; new hires, promotions and separation data; and utilization analysis. The division has integrated EEO Compliance, MWBE compliance and performance metrics.