Local law 12 of 2019 requires agencies to prepare quarterly reports describing efforts to implement their Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Equal Employment Opportunity Plan.
Each year, the City prepares an MS4 annual report to inform NYSDEC and the public of the City’s progress in implementing the Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) and the status of compliance with the Municipal Separate Sewer Systems (MS4) permit.
This report highlights successes of the Demand Management Program over the past 10 years and dives into case studies for more detail within each strategy, closing this chapter of the Water Demand Management Program.
The annual report provides an update on the NYC Green Infrastructure Program, including achievements and advancements over the past year, and outlines what is in store for the upcoming year.
In accordance with the CSO Order on Consent, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection submits quarterly reports on its actions toward complying with the Order's milestones. See: DEC Case No. CO2-20110512-25, modification to DEC Case No. CO2-20000107-8.
Biosolids are a product of the wastewater treatment process that, when treated to regulatory standards for beneficial reuse, are widely used to enhance soils and provide ecosystem benefits.
This report details the number of noise inspections, with a focus on the number of noise complaints received by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) related to after-hours noise complaints and response time to those complaints as well as the number of summonses issued.
This report details the number of idling violations issued by the Department of Environmental Protection as well as the number of citizen complaint filings and the civil penalties imposed for each enforcement action.
These reports document the use of ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel, compliance with biodiesel requirements, as well as best available control technologies to reduce particulate matter and nitrogen oxides in the environment.