The City began FY 2023 (FY23) with $8.159 billion in cash-on-hand, versus $8.469 billion at the same time last year. During the first half of fiscal year 2023 (1H23), the City’s cash balances averaged $8.126 billion, compared to $7.274 billion at the same time last year.
Overview of the New York City Police Pension Fund's combining financial activities for the year end. All changes affecting the assets and deferred outflow and liabilities inflow of the funds are reflected on an accrual basis when the activity occurred, regardless of the timing of the cash flows.
The audit makes several recommendations that will improve DANY’s controls over its office equipment inventory. These appear in the body of this report.
The Department of Finance (DOF) is responsible for administering the Senior Citizen Homeowners’ Exemption (SCHE) Program which provides a partial property tax exemption for senior citizens who own one, two, or three family homes, condominiums, or cooperative apartments in New York City (the City).
The audit makes several recommendations that will improve the MBPO’s controls over its inventory of computers and computer-related equipment. These appear in the body of this report.