Report on numbers of general education and special education school bus routes and scheduled length of time to complete, and criteria used to design school bus routes and goals of the department for time it should take to complete a school bus routes, additional goals and priorities of the department in provision of school bus service and summary of requirements in school bus vendor contracts
Report on 1. The total number of calls from authorized parents and guardians received by the department about school bus transportation services, disaggregated by the nature of such calls; 2. The total number of complaints from authorized parents and guardians received by the department about an employee of a school bus vendor, disaggregated by vendor, the nature of such complaint, whether such complaint led to a departmental determination of misconduct, and a description of the actions taken by the department for each complaint; and 3. The total number of investigations of employees of school bus vendors opened by the department, including following a complaint by an authorized parent or guardian and any other source of information that may lead to such investigation; the number of investigations in which the department found that an employee of a school bus vendor engaged in misconduct; and descriptions of outcomes relating to any investigations in which the department found that an employee of a school bus vendor engaged in misconduct.
Report on total number for preceding year of EMS transports and the number of EMS transports performed because of a student's psychological/emotional condition
Report on student attendance for periods of time during which remote learning was used by the department for the month occurring 2 months prior to the month of the report, including the attendance rate of students who participated in (i) full-time remote learning instruction and (ii) blended learning
Report including, but not limited to (a) for each community school district, the total number of students who enrolled in grades pre-kindergarten, kindergarten or six in a school located in such community school district in the current school year; and (b) for each school, the total number of students who enrolled in grades pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, six or nine in such school, as applicable, in the current school year
Report on student attendance for periods of time during which remote learning was used by the department for the month occurring 2 months prior to the month of the report, including the attendance rate of students who participated in (i) full-time remote learning instruction and (ii) blended learning
An itemized statement covering the status of every school capital project that was completed during the immediately preceding fiscal quarter or not completed but for which funding was appropriated