This report, mandated by the New York City Charter, identifies and describes tax expenditure programs related to taxes administered by the City and provides tax expenditure estimates based on available data.
Agencies provide a six-month overview of how many voter registration cards have been distributed as well as how many clicks were received on individual websites transferring clients to the voter registration portal.
Local Law 4 of 2012, requires HPD to maintain on its website monthly reports that can be viewed by the general public. The monthly report lists all properties with twenty or more units for which a notice of foreclosure has been submitted to HPD.
Pursuant to LL 25/2010, a report from the Taxi and Limousine Commission on fare complaints (Medallion & For-Hire Vehicle) and top 10 violations dis-aggregated by precinct.
Local Law 4 of 2012 requires HPD to maintain on its website quarterly reports that can be viewed by the general public on its website. The Quarterly Report lists the total number of foreclosure actions commenced during the last quarter and reported to HPD.
The agency conducted a demographic data and trends, including workforce composition by job title, job group, race/ethnicity and gender; new hires, promotions and separation data; and utilization analysis. The division has integrated EEO Compliance, MWBE compliance and performance metrics.
Pursuant to Admin Code Sect. 14-158(c), this report contains information on 1) use of force and excessive use of force incidents, disaggregated by category, precinct/unit, and on/off duty status 2) injuries to officers/civilians, disaggregated by type of injury, precinct/unit, and on/off duty status
Quarterly report provides a range of professional and career development opportunities that support growth and advancement and fosters diversity and inclusion. Included are demographic data and trends, job title, job group, race/ethnicity and gender, new hires, promotions and separation data.