Report for each high school including 1. total funding provided by the department for athletics and the amount of such funding allocated for (i) coaches and athletic directors, (ii) other than personal service related to the public schools athletic league and 2. total numbers of students participant
A report on the number of employees, disaggregated by: (a) Teaching staff; (b) Leadership staff; and (c) Other professional and paraprofessional staff disaggregated by various factors
Report of information regarding guidance counselors and social workers for the current school year including the number of and ratio of guidance counselors and social workers in each school.
All senior procurement personnel of Mayoral Agencies, including Agency Chief Contracting Officers, Deputy Agency Chief Contracting Officers, and relevant MOCS staff, are required to complete an initial PTI certification within the first 2 years of their appointment and thereafter recertify.
In 2016 the Mayor revamped how the city cleans and maintains the city’s schools—promising better services and potential savings. Has the city achieved savings?
A report on the agency's efforts to implement the plan, including details of agency's efforts to ensure equal employment practices. Includes, but not limited to statistical information regarding total employment & efforts to provide fair and effective equal opportunity employment.
Mayor de Blasio announced for the first time in New York City’s history that all students will have access to Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and Restorative Justice (RJ) practices and, when needed, earlier intervention from clinical social workers.